the Beneficent,
the Merciful.
the Merciful.
Praise be to God,
Lord of the worlds.
Lord of the worlds.
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
Owner of the each and the ultimate
Day of Judgement.
You alone, we worship;
You alone, we ask for help.
Day of Judgement.
You alone, we worship;
You alone, we ask for help.
Show us always, the right way,
in each and every matter.
in each and every matter.
The way of those,
whom You have blessed;
whom You have blessed;
Not the way of those,
who earn Your anger,
Nor of those who go astray.
who earn Your anger,
Nor of those who go astray.

This Book
“An Introduction to God”
is a rational & logical interpretation of the information, received from the main sources of knowledge. Such as the sayings of scientists and the sayings of Bhagavad-Gita, Bible, Book of Psalms, Torah, Gospels and Quran. It is written for the believers as well as for the non-believers.
The non-believers may believe in the Alone God and the believers may rectify their belief in the Alone God. The non-believers may get rid of faithlessness and may establish pure peace of heart to secure their future and the believers mayHonour their God, Serve their God and Worship their God according to the
Commandments of God.
Commandments of God.
The mankind may finish the ethnic differences.
The mankind may rejoice peaceful life on earth.
The mankind may enter in the heavens of blessings.
The mankind may secure successful salvation on the
Day of Judgement.
The mankind may finish the ethnic differences.
The mankind may rejoice peaceful life on earth.
The mankind may enter in the heavens of blessings.
The mankind may secure successful salvation on the
Day of Judgement.
This Book may taste bitter in reading but after going through it, the souls will be positively sweetened by The Grace of Almighty Alone God



The Lord of Abraham
The Ahura of Zoroaster
The Eishwar of Krishna
The Jehovah of Moses
The God of Jesus
The Allah of Muhammad.
The Ahura of Zoroaster
The Eishwar of Krishna
The Jehovah of Moses
The God of Jesus
The Allah of Muhammad.
Our Notions are
Our Self-made Pictures

Our senses are alive on account of our conscious-self and our conscious-self is alive on account of our spirit and when___ through our alive senses___ we activate the mechanism and system of brain and try to understand our surroundings and the events therein. Then, some pictures do appear on the screen of our mind, which we know as thoughts. These pictures or thoughts make some specific maps in our mind, which, in turn, we know as viewpoints or notions. All the man-made viewpoints or notions, as such, are related to us, on the one side and to universe, on the other side. Every viewpoint or notion is, therefore, personal as well as universal.
These viewpoints or notions are very important for our life. They do serve as the paved passages for us. Whereupon we walk to reach at the solutions of our twofold problems, emerging from the eventual social propositions or from the study of nature and the universe. The number of these notions or paved passages usually corresponds to the number of our problems. And___ it is popularly presumed that these notions or the paved passages___ lead us to our destination.
Question arises whether each of the self-made notions, can really lead us straightaway to our destination? Whereas the main is less aware of the realities___ even than a germ___ sitting on a single frame of cosmic movie___ which is under exhibition for the last billions of years.
In such a situation__ does it not become necessary that the story of cosmic movie should be recited by the producer of cosmic movie. So that we may readily know the end of movie__ to perform our role in a desirable way.
Now suppose that a movie is already under exhibition in a cinema house. You suddenly enter into the hall and then get back just after five minutes. In this condition, will you be able to know the beginning__ the end___ and the purpose of movie? Certainly not. Then does it not become necessary that:-
1. Story should be heard from such a person who has, himself, seen the whole movie.
2. If the movie is based on some book, then, the book itself should be read thoroughly.
If such an arrangement is necessary to know the reality. Then we will have to consider the conversation of those people as well. Who have always been telling the cosmic story with its beginning, its end, and the purpose thereof. And ___ they have been not a few in number. Instead, they have been in hundreds and thousands. And___ all in all have been telling the same story without any mutual consultation. Their sounding similarity in letter and spirit, is revealing the fact that one producer of the cosmic movie is living and existing behind the scene of universe.
Bible and Quran are the Scriptures, which do narrate the story of cosmic movie and its purpose, in comprehensive terms. It is written in Quran:-
“The Beneficent.
Who taught (the perfect knowledge) Quran.
Who created mankind.
Who taught mankind the narration (thereof)”.
(Al-Quran 55:1 to 4)
Who taught (the perfect knowledge) Quran.
Who created mankind.
Who taught mankind the narration (thereof)”.
(Al-Quran 55:1 to 4)
Ponder-able is the matter whether some path is more straight than the path___ which has been shown by our Absolute Creator.
If it is positively discovered that the Sole Writer & Producer of the cosmic story & movie___ is really existing. Then how many problems of life & death stand, automatically, solved. Of course, we can easily know the aim of our mortal life__ and we can positively guard us against every coming dangers of the present and the future.
And___ now we shall proceed towards the intellect__ thestraight path___ and God___ one by one. In the light of those realities which have been realized by our collective consciousness in this universe. And___ we shall take into account those important informations as well. Which have been received by us through various reliable sources.
It seems, of course, desirable to know before the beginning of odyssey___ that what is conceived by the whole world, through the term of “realities”.
Famous scientist Mr. Uhlen Carroll Kelcats writes:-
“The world of realities is the world which is perceived by our senses___ and imagined by our mind.
The earth___ sky___ water___ trees___animals__birds etc. These are the things, which are known by all the sensible men who are in possession of full senses and full reasoning.
A poor tenant is well aware of the existence of his landlord. Who perturbs him___ with his persistent demands.
All of the likewise things are having the real existence which is perceivable by our senses and imaginable by our mind. So, they are the realities of our life”.
As far as the informations about this universe are concerned___ they have been provided by SCIENCE & RELIGION. The both are reliable sources on account of their mutual consensus in realities.
Now, with open heart and flexible behaviour, we shall step onward to intellect (the world of senses), straight path (the aim of life) and God (The Absolute Creator of everything) respectively.
Universe has been made by God’s Wisdom & knowledge and universe reveals perfection and it is related to the human intellect, which owns certain limits. We live in this wisdom-oriented universe but we are enclosed in the basement of our intellect. Wherein we are confined to such a limited life as a fish is confined in the water. Who passes away her life without any awareness of the dry regions of the world.
In her world of water, a fish never comes to know that what kind of life is lead by creatures of the dry regions and the countless birds in the air. She considers her world of water as the real world and the world, out of water, as an unreal world. The region of her intellect, as such, never goes across her underwater limits.
Within her world of water, a fish always enjoys all that which is necessary for her life___ the underwater life. So___ to know about the dry regions___ is considered by her___ as an unreal and unnecessary thing.
Now suppose that you are a fish in the depth of waters. You are leading an underwater life therein. One day, you happen to meet a particular fish who was, previously, caught by a fisherman and was kept in a glassy jar of water for some days on the beach. There, she came to know about the deceptive ways and trickery of the fishermen___ whereby they used to hunt the fish.
She also came to know on the beach that the pretty ones of the fish were kept in the big glassy jars of water. While the common ones were roasted in the boiling oil.
The same awared fish is, now, addressing to you in the following words:
“O ‘dear, beware!!! To live in the depths of water, is not free from the manifold dangers. While eating something in water, you must be always careful. Lest, it is fastened to a hidden hunting nail. If you, mistakingly, swallowed such a thing. It will pierce into your throat and carry away you to the pot of boiling oil. Do you know the unbearable agony of boiling oil?
What will you do at this very stage? Will you act upon the advice of preaching fish? Or, you will keep on grazing everywhere, without care. Of course, it will be decided by you and you alone___ that what will you finally do?
Now come out of the supposed situation and ponder over the real situation. Is not man___ in the unending limits of space___ just like a fish in the depths of water?
Is not our intellect limited___ just like that of the fish in water?
Is not the news of Hereafter___ about whom Prophets have been talking so continuously___ just like the news of dry regions of the world, for a fish?
Should we not ponder over the Revealed Verses and try hard to grasp them?
To lead a life without awareness___ is not just like the life of animals?
If our limited intellect does not tell us anything about the time___ prior to our birth? Nor it tells us anything about the time___ rear to our death? Then___ should we not weigh and value the all-alike teachings of Prophets?
If we ourselves__ are not the creator of ourselves! Then should we not try hard to know our Creator?
If the sweets are made by the confectioner alone? Then should we not believe in the One Alone Creator of the fruits and flowers?
If a simple machine is not made without an engineer? Then, how the whole chain of complexed cosmic creatures, can come into existence without a Creator___ the One Alone God?
We can not conceive, by ourselves, some concept of that state of life___, which is existing beyond this universe. In this regard___ we are totally dependant upon the following three sources:
1. The One, who could see to that state and this world, the both.
2. The one, who could see from that state to this world.
3. The one, who could receive the news of that state, in this world.
Religious means do tell about these three sources.
1. God is the first source Who is All Able to see that state and this world, the both. God is also well known to everyone___ to the believers and the non-believers and the atheists.
2. Angels are the second source who can see from that state to this world. A well-known example thereof is the example of angel Gabriel or the Spirit. Who is popularly known by the people of every religion.
3. Prophets are the third source. Who receive the news of that state___ in this world. They are also well known to everyone___ to the believers and the non-believers and the atheists.
These are the three sources___ without whom we can not receive any news of that state in this world. However, our issue at present is the question, whether some real and alive system is existing beyond this universe or not? At this stage, however, we will have to remove the materialistic fog of this universe, from our vision.
Future of everything in this universe___ is the dark depth of the unknown. The present is changing it into sunshine of the known. Whereas our past is the reserved record of that light which has been collected, ray by ray, from our present.
One end of the past is our birth. Which is an undeniable reality. While the other end is the present moment. Which is passing by the tick tock of clock. And___ the last end of the unknown future is our death. Which is again an undeniable reality.
That is a particular situation wherefrom we are always confronted. And___ among the undeniable realities of birth & death__ we can not ignore the TRUTH. That is why that we are naturally driven to these three basic questions:
Where do we come from?
Where are we going?
What are we doing?
Where are we going?
What are we doing?
It is quiet easy to say that we have not come in this world from some external place or planet. Instead “we are born” or “we have been born” here___ on the earth.
“We are born” is a pure scientific concept. While “we have been born” is a pure religious concept. But the question of “where do we come from” still needs more clarification.
Some people are of the view that our entity was existing prior to our birth, at some unknown place. It was, perhaps, without body and spirit. Or perhaps with the both as it is at present. Either we have lost our previous memory. Or our present existence is totally different from our previous existence. And___ our present form is completely forgetful of our previous form.
Famous Urdu poet of the Sub-Continent (Old United India) Asadullah Khan Ghalib is of the view that prior to our birth we were part of God. Ghalib has expressed this view in the following verse:
“When there was nothing then God was there. If nothing had been there, even then, God would have been there. My birth has diminished me. If I had not been there then what would I have been”?
The verse means that when nothing was yet existing. Even at that time, God was very much existing. And everything to be born in future___ was existing within God including the poet.
The poet is therefore of the view that if he had not taken the birth. Then___ being a part of God___ he himself would have been God.
Cause of such a thought on the part of Ghalib is Sufism (Pantheism). Whereby God is identified in terms of the material universe. And it is popularly believed that:
“God is everything and everything is God”.
Ghalib is, however, to some extent, different from Sufies (Pantheists). Sufies always believe that God is everything and everything is God. But Ghalib’s confession that after his birth, he is no more a God, instead, he is a commonplace creature___ is his open departure from Sufism.
The most ponder-able and noteworthy words, in Ghalib’s verse, are the following words:
“My birth has diminished me”.
Whereby Ghalib is treating his birth as a tragedy and an irrepairable loss for him. For the birth has degenerated him from God to a commonplace creature. So, here Ghalib is far different from Sufies. His theory of birth is based on two parts.
According to the 1st part of his theory, everything is God, prior to its birth. Whereas according to the 2nd part of his theory, everything is degenerated to a commonplace creature after its birth. 2nd part is particularly ponder-able.
Being a subject of birth and death, all the creatures are helpless and mortal including mankind. Here, we feel ourselves quiet agreeable to Ghalib. But we can not agree to the Sufies that we are God. Reasoning does not allow any room for such a notion.
If we are God then why are we so helpless and a subject of birth and death?
If the whole chain of creatures, is God? If it is so___ then why God is so helpless and a subject of birth and death?
Ghalib’s theory of birth, of course, bespeaks that whosoever is born___ that is not God. But the 1st part of Ghalib’s theory is not convincing that prior to our birth__ we were part of God. If the case was, really, like that, then, why those parts have become degenerated and despised after birth? Does God degenerate God’s absolute existence into a diminished creature by birth? And___ if it is true then___ how much of God’s absolute existence is now remained perfect___ and how much is diminished? Is process of birth___ a separation of God___ from God?
These questions do clarify that Ghalib’s theory is a double-faced theory. He has learnt from Sufies (Pantheists) that God is an aggregate whole of many parts. And___ at the same time___ he has learnt from religious scholars that creatures are separate from God and subservient to God.
What Ghalib could not understand, is the fact that God is not an aggregate whole of many parts. Nor anything or any person was a part of God’s Absolute Existence. Nor anything or any person may ever become a part of God because nothing is alike God. God is Holy and the All-Alone Creator of everything___ every person___ and every creature. Hence, Ghalib and Sufies (Pantheists) the both are wrong.
Ghalib’s view that prior to our birth___ we were God and threefold view of Sufies that we were God___ prior to our birth and we are God___ even after our birth__ and we will absorb in God___ after our death___ all in all___ is wrong. Because God is not an entity at all, which is degenerate-able in parts.
In either case___ to approach the reality___ we are bound to know___ nothing else but God. That who is God? What is God? Why God is God? And why God should be believed as One Alone God?
However, before beginning the discussion about God__ we should take into account some other suppositions about ourselves as well.
For instance, we might be remote controlled robots of some scientifically advanced creature of some other planets. As UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) are seen here and there, these days and their pictures are published in the newspapers. And___ some people have even met them in person.
Or___ we might have come from many planets duly sent by different creatures. Our mutual differences ___ our preparations of war___ our indulgence in strategic plans___ our celebrations over each others defeats and the likewise rivalry-based movements___ are the practical indications of such a supposition.
The first world war followed by the second world war and now___ preparation of third world war including the cold wars of the peace-periods__ also do speak of the same supposition.
Establishment of U.N.O and veto power of the super powers therein__ is another proof of the same situation.
Faces and forms of the people of this world are so varied and unified___ that they seem all alike and different at the same time. For instance, being humans Africans are just like the English people. But on account of colour & features, they are different from each other just like the day and night.
Like wise, Japanese are different from Arabs and Asians. Asians and Arabs are different from Americans while Americans are different from Russians. It seems as if the earth is a battlefield and different species of mankind are demonstrating their power to dominate each other.
Humans___ in this context, are the chess-soldiers who are ever-ready to kill or to be killed. Negroes, Indians, Arabs, Japanese, Americans etc. are the warring teams of some galactic super powers. Perhaps on the same account___ the countless deads of the Great Wars___ are not remembered with sorrow & grief. Instead, their graves are piled up with the wreaths of flowers___ to praise and glorify their death.
American celebrations on destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki including the innocent residents___ do tell us that the word “civilization” means nothing to us. Humanity is not a thing to be respected and regarded. The only and all-important thing___ is the war strategy and demonstration of power.
A child___playing a video game derives a specific pleasure by hiring & firing on the screen. Perhaps___ the same sort of pleasure is derived by the advanced creatures of other planets. Who have sent the humans-like remote controlled robots on the earth.
Where do we come from? The question is a highly bewildering question. But to bewilder us__ is not its function. Its function is to stimulate us to think & search out the truth.
Beside galactic war & rivalry, we can see the reasonable recesses as well. Whereby it is easily guessed that SOMEONE is definitely there. Who wants to see peace and peaceful co-existence on the earth. Though___ victory is considered more important on national level. Yet on individual level, we can see that face of sorrow and grief is the same.
One may be a believer___ or a non-believer___ or an atheist___ or an Indian__ or an American___ or a Japanese___ but everyone is basically a human being. Whose nature is positively inclined to peace and peaceful co-existence. Majority of the masses, has always disliked the war and war leaders.
On human level, a woman is a woman who never wants to become widow. A father is a father who never wants to see the death of his son. Confronted by war and its disasters, human sorrow and grief has always been all alike throughout the world.
Peace-oriented nature of masses___ does not like the war-oriented leadership. Whereby it is naturally proved that the latent purpose of life is not war at all. Instead, that is peace and peaceful co-existence on the earth.
The convincing concept of human service, prevailing in Christianity is highly admirable. People of all the religions do come within its working orbit. This thing tells us that humans are the creatures of such a CREATOR___ who is the Most Generous and the Most Merciful.
In ancient religions___ coming from Buddha and Mahaveera___ animals and insects are also regarded as God’s creatures and are not harmed at all. Instead, they are left untouched, letting them to breed and prosper. Such a positive care does reflect that the Unseen God wants peace & peaceful co-existence on the earth.
“There is no compulsion in religion” is the fundamental principle of all the religions. It means that all sorts of oppression and exploitation are prohibited in religion. War is permissible in terms of the self-defense alone.
All four legged animals on earth invite our special attention that simply graze in green fields and do not eat flesh. They are the most harmless and peaceful creatures.
God has given them horns on their heads. These horns are, in fact, their weapons of defense. They use them only at the time when they are attacked by the beasts. Study of nature, as such, tells us that:
1. Weapons are meant for the purpose of peace___ not for the purpose of war.
2. Peace essentially requires defense and destroying peace is a beastly act.
So, the earth is not a battle-field. Nor, war is the aim of life. Nor, humans are the remote controlled robots of the advanced creatures of other planets. Real situation is quite different. We are not the rival tribes at war, instead, we are the peace loving and peace ensuring creature on the earth.
At this stage when all of us are standing on the edge of our ultimate death due to the nuclear and even more sophisticated weapons, we should realize the indispensable need of peace.
Since inception of the human life and the battle of survival on the globe___ a strange human performance has always been in progress. And___ that is the preaching enterprise of the Prophets among their fellow-men. And___ their education has always been regarded as Divine Education.
If we had been a remote controlled creature of other planets. Or___ we had been a composite creature of various gods. Then the Prophets must have told us about such planets and gods including their commandments. But no such news has ever been given by the Prophets___ throughout the human history. Instead, they have always talked about the One Alone God and God’s Commandments alone. And___ they have also told us that we have been created and sent to this earth by the same One Alone God.
Scientific research tells us that our body is made of soil. The soil___ brought to the earth by various meteors from millions of planets. The same soil is now the body of humans and animals on the earth and that is the biological base of life.
Science is busy in biological research but it is silent about self and spirit of the creatures.
Majority of the ignorant masses, is of the view that science is a religion-refuting branch of knowledge but that is not correct. Such a notion on their part is on account of their ever-increasing interest in material gains. They have no time to study the science of realities or the science of religion or even their own souls and selves. So they can not apprehend the world of actual realities.
Such people are of the view that religion is an ancient fossil and that is all. These people do not know that the scientists have succeeded in believing the Lord___ the One Alone God. Not through some external sources but through their own research. Whereby they have reasonably realized that religion is not an ancient fossil. Instead, it is the most moderate and scientific code of life brought forth by our Creator___ the One Alone God. Famous scientist Albert Einstein admits the existence of One Alone God in the following words:
“That is an Infinite and the Most Sublime power and cause whose effects are seen everywhere in this inapprehensible universe”
(Thesis: In confirmation of Einstein’s Creative Power by Marline Buxs Kradar)
Albert Einstein has hinted here upon the One Alone God. He has not hinted here upon two or three gods or two or three causes. By declaring the universe as inapprehensible, he is declaring that the Creator of universe is, also, inapprehensible. Thus he has positively confirmed the reality of Monotheism and discarded the baseless notions of Henotheism and polytheism.
Albert Mc Combus Vanchester (the biologist) says in his thesis:
“Science has strengthened my belief”:-
“Science removes the polytheistic notions___ mingled with our Monotheistic religious beliefs___ by those self-evident realities which can be confirmed by us through the observable testimonies”.
Edward Luther Castle writes in his thesis: “Let us study the facts without prejudice”:-
“Some people are involved in this absurdity that when God is Eternal then why we should not admit that the universe has come into existence automatically. And___ some people also say that if we can accept that God is Eternal then why we can not accept that universe, itself, is eternal.
Second law of the Movement of Heat, which is known as the “Law of Entropy”, negates the latter notion. Science agrees that universe is not since ever. The Law of Entropy has clarified that Heat always travels from the heat-full to the heat-less__ and such a movement remains always ordered. It can not be driven backward that Heat may travel from the heat-less to the heat-full.
Entropy is the name of ratio___ existing between the receive-able and the non-receivable energy. On this account, we can say that Entropy of the universe is increasing day by day. And___ a time in future, will, definitely come, when Heat of all the objects will become equal and no useful energy will remain intact.
Consequently, no room will remain vacant for the chemical and physical reactions and functions. Life will perish and an all-encompassing state of inertia will prevail. But keeping in view the fact that chemical & physical chain of reaction____ is in progress and life is intact. So it is automatically clarified that the universe is not since ever. Otherwise, its energy would have been exhausted afar back in the past and no feeble ray of life would have been existent here.
Hence, in this way, Scientific research has unintentionally proved that some starting point of the universe is certainly there. As this point is properly proved, so in continuation of the same, God’s existence is automatically proved. Because every temporary thing is, predominantly, in want of some life-giving effect of the First Stimulator.
Scientific research has not only proved this fact that universe is not since ever. It has, rather, proved through it’s latest discoveries that about 15 billion years ago, universe had, at once, come into existence by virtue of a creative bang. And its span is increasing even today.
The people who weigh and value the scientific research and its discoveries___ they can not deny the fact that universe has been created. And___ it’s creation is far beyond the stereo-type laws of nature, as the laws of nature, themselves, are a creation of someone’s creativity”.
Study of science, without prejudice & pre-occupation, therefore, makes the reader understand that some Supreme Creator has created this magnificent universe and its complexed system. Who is to be admitted as God.
Research-oriented persons must ponder over the creation of countless creatures in the same way___ as they ponder over the results of their own research. They will be then, perfectly convinced, that God and Creator of the universe is very much existing___ here and there___ everywhere.
The people, who declare the matter as Cause of Creation, oftenly use the word of Evolution. And as such___ they try to deny the existence of God. And___ they treat the term of Evolution as a paramount argument of their view-point. Whereas Evolution is nothing but a common feature of the nature. In this connection___ Edward Luther Castle has also expressed his views in the following way.
“I know that the word of “Evolution” has become an obsolete and worthless word in some circles of the people___ and they do frown even on it’s simple reference.
You will however surprise to know that I, not only, respect these friends and their feelings, rather, I agree to their viewpoint, to some extent, in the light of the current knowledge. Because they apprehend “Evolution” in terms of material or mechanical evolution whereas material or mechanical evolution is far different from that of the creative evolution.
An important source of Evolution is the Nature’s process of selection. Which is originally one of the laws of nature and a secondary cause, like the other laws of nature, as it’s Creator is again God.
All the species generated by this process, are again the indirect creation of God as the Nature’s process of selection, itself, is not capable to create any specie. It simply admits some species to be nourished, leaving aside the others, to be withered and this process works under some hereditary variations. So___ the survival or removal of a specific specie, is never accidental as it is presumed by the believers of material or mechanical evolution”.
This very statement of Edward Luther Castle positively removes that superstition. Which has captured, not only, the materialists but the religious leaders as well. Who are still in it’s captivity even after the lapse of so many years. Dr. George Erl Devis, the physicist, writes:
“As much as the knowledge is flourishing and the superstitions are being unveiled___ importance & inevitability of the critical study of religion & ethics___ is increasing day by day in the same scale.”
The physicist is hinting upon the urge of the “quest for truth and the specific process” which may bring forth, a suitable solution for the problems of life. Of course, we can not lead the life in a particular way unless we come to know the origin of life. What is the actual and factual truth? Only after positive cognition of the same, we can learn to lead the real life. And__ the same learning may, in turn, lead us to the aim of life.
George Erl Devis writes further:
“The surprising scientific discoveries have produced certain indispensable questions. Though not so new, but their nature has become more changed, on account of___ the receipt of detailed information about cosmic system. And___ in any case____ man can not be held as excluded thereform. Among these questions, is the most important question___ upon whose answer is depending___ our aim of life and the system of our moral values. And___ that is the same old question that:
Is there any Supreme and Sublime Source who is the Creator of whole cosmos and who could be surnamed as God?
And___ thereby arises the other question, that if God has created us then who has created God? This question is usually raised by the children, in a highly logical air.
We can not deny the fact, that science has no convincing reply of the question that God is existing or not? Rather, science can never bring forth a scientific proof thereof.
We are breathing in such a physical universe which is running smoothly in terms of the pre-ordained laws of it’s complexed system. But, it does not mean that we can ever derive some information, through this very universe, about a thing, which is existing outside to this universe. Our universe is just like a room without any doors and windows. And even if it is having the same, then, such glasses are fixed therein that to see & understand the outside thereform is totally impossible. Whereas to see inside from the outside__ is almost possible.”
As we can not prove the existence or non-existence of God on the basis of science. So it is the all-alone way for us, that whatsoever stock of information we have, about this universe. We should derive a reasonable result therefrom. Such a reasonable result___ which could never be objected on logical grounds. And such a result, duly derived from the stock of scientific information, is this:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”
And___ that is such a reasonable result, which is free from all sorts of logical objections. And___ through this very result we come to know about the Creator Who is Creator of all the material and immaterial things, and who is the Omnipotent.
If we presume that the universe is created accidentally or automatically. Then we will have to presume too, that the universe, itself, has the power of creation. Such a presumption is, however, not maintainable on account of the scientific informations, collected so far, about the universe. So___ accidental or automatic creation of universe___ is the result___ which is totally irrational.
And where, God is being believed as the Alone Creator of universe, scientific informations are now becoming a foundation there. And science___ which is the fountain-head of the pure observational, analytical and experimental knowledge___ has reached at such a stage. That the next step whereof is not else___ but to believe in God and God’s Almighty Omnipotence. And___ that is on account of this very consensus of the universal scientific informations that:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.
It is a Verse-like ray of Holy light and a great information. Proper apprehension whereof leads us, directly, to the realm of Faith.
“Universe was created accidentally or automatically” is a notion, which is not confirmed by the scientific information. So, to think like that is an irrational & illogical gesture. Which leads nowhere but to the ignorance.
Which God we should believe?
It is an important question and it is more important for the person who is desirous to know his God.
Can we consider this accidentally or automatically created universe as God? Does it create and remove everything by itself? But the scientific consensus that:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”
clarifies that universe was not created accidentally or automatically. Nor it is capable to create anything by itself. Nor it is given any knowledge of creation. And___ if the universe does not own any knowledge of creation___ then the knowledge of creation is definitely related to Mr. Albert Einstein’s that very Infinite & Supreme Power or Cause. Whose creative manifestations are being seen everywhere in this inapprehensible universe.
The act of knowledge, which is the process of creation in this universe___ is a magnificent sign ___ which is leading us, directly, to the Creator.
Power of knowledge and act of knowledge in terms of the process of creation___ bespeak of such a Creator who is Unique___ Who is free from the creaturely traits__ Who is far above the Nature and our state of knowledge___ Who is Supreme, Supernatural and Omnipotent. About whom we can speak in the following rational terms.
“The Creator of things is not a thing or like the created things. And as the intellect itself is a thing, so it is not considerable more than a thing of superior kind. Therefore its capability of making some image or imagination of the Creator will result to such a step, which may diminish the supreme sublimity of the Creator”.
In this way a man of intellect may believe in God on logical basis. Where after he will always consider his God as the Sole Creator and the Sole Guardian of universe. He will never consider his God as a part of universe or a thing in universe or the universe.
It means that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. Who is not perceivable through our senses at all.
The commonplace concept that God is a kind of matter as well as God is the Creator of matter or___ God is the universe as well as God is Super-natural & Super-physical___ is a self-contradictory and an irrational concept.
We must refrain from such concepts and resort to reality that existence of creatures is separate from the Creator and the creatures are not like the Creator at all. Because creatures live and die and they are under God’s control. It is recorded in the Scripture in the words of the Creator:
“I__ and I alone___ am God
No other god is real”
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
Worship no god but Me!
Do not make for yourselves images of anything
In heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord your God and
I tolerate no rivals.
Do not make for yourselves images of anything
In heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord your God and
I tolerate no rivals.
(Deut. 5:7 to 9)
Hence, we must believe our God as the Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not perceivable by our senses. Nor___ God is point-able like point-able things. Nor___ the names of God’s created things should be used for God. Nor ___ we should consider God in terms of things and worship God as a thing. Of course___ we should believe God, the same way, as God has commanded us to believe. And___ God’s Commandments (Deut. 32:39 and Deut. 5:7 to 9) are very much reasonable and quite corresponding to our intellect.
Does God Exist or Not?
Science does not believe in ideas and it works on existing things and their nature.
Though in the world of creation, ideas come first and things come afterwards. But science studies only one part or side of the apparent and the approachable existing things. Therefore, science in its limits, is a practical study of one apparent side of the universe and it is not the study of its beyond at all.
As a dictionary of words, is not a result of an accident and it can never be a book without being an idea of someone. The same way, this universe, which contains billions of things, is not a result of some accident and it is a creation of the Almighty Creator___ known as God___ in the world of religion.
If science does not talk about God and the beyond of universe, then, it does not mean that God and the beyond does not exist. God exists as an Unseen Omnipotent. And, since God is the Creator of everything, therefore, it is logically believed thatnothing is alike God.
All the deniers deny God, on account of the reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. And ___ all the believers believe in God, on account of the same reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. Therefore, the believers and the deniers, the both, do agree that God is not encircle-able by human intellect.
The believers do believe that God is Ever Sufficient for them and for their needs. And___ God, not only, suffices them and their needs, rather, God guides them in every matter in every walk of life. By and by, a co-existing fact is notice-worthy that God remains Ever Sufficient for the deniers as well.
If God had been for the believers alone and God had not been for the deniers___ then everyone would have believed in God’s existence equally so as to meet their needs of life equally.
Suppose that, far above us, a state is existing just like our world, which is quite parallel to us and our intellect. In such a case, our intellect will never be able to touch the edge of that state on account of its parallelness. Of course, by virtue of some unknown sources, we may grasp a thought-like feeling of that state. But that thought-like feeling may not be interpretable by the device of intellect.
And___ it is true that such a situation remains always prevailing in our minds. To analyze and apprehend this very situation___ some of us left human population for the desolate places and remained absorbed in reflective concentration.
Jesus (PBUH) in Desert___ Moses (PBUH) on Mount____ Muhammad (PBUH)1 in Cave____ did spend a lot of time in reflective concentration and succeeded in going nearer to the truth.
1 (PBUH) means Peace be upon him.
1 (PBUH) means Peace be upon him.
They did realize the absolute & infinite existence of the Supreme Omnipotent, who was observing them. Then___ they announced openly among the masses that human beings are being observed closely. And___ their deeds are being recorded for the ultimate reward and retribution. Masses questioned them again and again and every-time they responded to their questions in positive terms. Where-after the satisfied-ones became believers and the others became deniers.
Amazing is the condition of those who denied. Whereas thousands of Prophets came and all of them talked about the One Alone God. Their observation and speculation was also the same and they gave one and the same law. And___ these Prophets were not the successors or teachers or pupils of each other. Instead, they were influenced and inspired by the One Omnipotent. Who gave them the Message to preach among the masses and they appeared in this world decade after decade and century after century.
Inspite of these co-existing realities___ majority of the masses did not believe in the Absolute Omnipotent who is known as God___ the One Alone Lord. In fact the majority has never pondered over the presence of another world-like-state___ within our world. The state or world of dreams, which is very much existing, within our world. And___ which is a valid testimony of the presence of next state or the Hereafter or Beyond.
Our world of dreams is hundred percent (100%) corresponding to the next world or the Hereafter. We enter into a dream through sleep and into the next life or beyond through death.
In the state of dreams, we take a new birth ___ after dying in our real world. Our worldly eyes are not with us in the state of dreams. We see the state of dreams with some other eyes as our worldly eyes remain closed on the bed. Likewise our worldly bodies do remain in this world and we enter into the state of dreams with new bodies___ which seem just like that of the worldly bodies.
The completely sleeping-ones or the dead-ones of this world___ are the awakening-ones or the alive-ones of the state of dreams. Who act and react, exactly, in terms of this very world.
The dreams do occupy ourselves in the state of dreams and we do not realize our dreams as dreams___ during the dreams. Instead, we fear and tremble during the dreams, just like this very world.
Then___ during the dreams___ all of a sudden, a particular death occupies us and we return from the state of dreams to this very world. And__ thereafter we begin to realize and reckon the dreams as dreams.
If the dreams are full of luxury and pleasure then we become sorrowful on awakening. And___ if they are full of agony and torture then we become happy and cheerful on awakening.
Of course, the realization takes place after the awakening alone, that the dreams were simply dreams. So___ that is the state of DREAMS & REALITIES which is observed by everyone in this very world. What an unusual state is this usual state of DREAMS & REALITIES.
Through numerous Words of Wisdom or the Scriptures, all of the nations have been warned that they should not consider this world as the real world. And___ they have also been told that worldly life is no more than a dream. And___ they have also been positively informed about the big-news that real and the lasting state is the next world or the Hereafter.
It is an extra ordinarily serious matter for the mortals that in what terms, the reckoning or consequences of their worldly life___ will occupy them after their death___ in the next world or the Hereafter.
The Wise-ones of this world or the Prophets have already warned us again and again through their teachings and the Revealed Books. So by virtue of paying proper heed to their teachings and the Revealed Books, we may know and realize the matter in question, quite conveniently.
This temporary worldly life___ which is continuously becoming stale from the fresh and dead from the alive___ is virtually bespeaking and calling for a permanent system of life. Which should be totally free from all sorts of stale-ness and death. And___ that is the life of the next state or the Hereafter.
To apprehend the available limited life, we can apply our limited intellect. But it can not be applied to apprehend the next state or the Hereafter. Because its approach is limited to this very world alone or at the most, to the state of dreams alone.
Dreams and this world___ the both are realized by our SELF and___ the next state or the Hereafter___ has also to be realized by our SELF.
SELF is a thing quite different from that of the intellect. The SELF uses intellect and intellect makes us realize this universe within the body. So intellect is a thing connected to the body and it is corresponding to this world.
Presently, the intellect is limited to this very world and it can not travel to the next state or the Hereafter. After death, of course, it will become by the grace of God, corresponding to the next state or the Hereafter.
In this world, the intellect believes in the future whereas it does not know the future. It simply guesses about the future as the famous scholar J.Bronowski has said that:
“Every step of intellect which is placed in future is, in fact, placed in uncertainty and every next step of the knowledge is ignorance”.
(Ascent of Man by J.Bronowski)
No doubt, it looks like that___ but it is not totally like that. Uncertainty is changed into certainty and ignorance is changed into knowledge___ by every new step.
Next state is parallel to the intellect. So we can not see it unless we die and resort to the next state.
Dreams show us a life___ parallel to our present life. So, dreams have become a part of our present life. If the dreams had been parallel to our intellect, instead of our present life, then___ the dreamers would have never been able to see them and narrate them.
The next life is parallel to our intellect and that is completely hidden from the present life. So the intellect can not touch it at all. However, non-perception of the next life by our intellect does not mean that the next life is not existing at all.
Next life is existing in the same way as our future is existing which is not touched or perceived unless it becomes our present. Where-after___ it becomes the book of our past.
The next state of existence is parallel to our present limited senses. As soon as the death occupies us and processes us for the ultimate future___ our self begins to apprehend the next state. Body is left behind and the SELF goes on, out of the present time and space. Where-after, either it becomes senseless (dead)___ till the Day of Resurrection or it enters into the next life with processed senses, the senses, which enable us to feel the next life.
In God’s knowledge birth and death, the both are the means of giving life.
In present time, the next life or Hereafter is beyond approach of the intellect just like the future. The process of sleeping and awakening in a day has been surnamed as death and life by the Lord. And___ it is true that an awaking person is an alive person while a sleeping person is a dead person.
Usually everyone is travelling towards his future. Faith and hope are the positive provisions of this life while dejection and faithlessness are the negative provisions of this life. Hopeful and faithful people remain enduring and polite. But hopeless and faithless people become impolite and dangerous for others. They indulge in destructive exercises on account of their negative approach.
Education is given in religion to lead a positive and patient life. Everyone is advised to fear from God and to do every work according to the God’s Commandments. Religion also ensures the better and secured end of this life and an extremely good beginning of the next life.
Inspite of all that, people do not understand to believe in God and the next life and to do good deeds. Such a non-understanding on the part of people, is perhaps, on account of their one-sided and insane approach towards life and its phenomena.
As we do not know, by ourselves, anything about the next life. So, in such a state, we shall be naturally in need of a wise teacher and guide. Who, him-self, should be well versed with the religion and the knowledge of next life or Hereafter. But alas! Whenever such a teacher & guide came to the people. They did not pay any heed to his teachings and only a few stepped forward, to walk apace him.
The non-believing majority always demonstrated their narrow and shallow-minded-ness. They considered such a person as a liar____ Who was linked to God on the one side and linked to mankind on the other side. And____ he himself was in between the both__ to hear the converse of multi-dimensional creature___ the angels.
Majority of the masses, also, could not understand that the path leading to the next life or Hereafter is passing through this very life. The worldly life is therefore simply a path___ not a destination. But the majority mistook it for the destination and put their lives into a devastating loss.
Jesus says in Gospel that:
“Whosoever will believe in my teachings and act upon them. He, himself, will come to know that my teachings are not my teachings. Instead, they are the teachings of God, Who has sent me”.
It means that if the divine instructions are positively observed through pure and persistent practice. Then their promising results will make us realize that the divine instructions are really divine and____ they are based on the perfect knowledge and the perfect truth.
To understand the mysteriousness of the universe is a difficult task. And___ after understanding it, to make the others understand it, is even a more difficult task. God says about understanding of God’s Word:
“And__ in truth, God has made the revealed message, easy to understand. But is there anyone who wants to understand!”
(Al-Quran 54:17)
So, to understand every complexed thing we should always resort to the Lord. Who is All Able to make us understand even the most complexed things, in the most easy terms.
“Whenever a person thinks about the motion____ a thought of the motion-setter comes in his mind automatically”
(Andrew Connde)
God is really existing! Quest of a hundred percent convincing argument in support of this claim, is a matter of specific nature. Which is totally dependent upon one’s own research and experience.
If you will try to understand the Faith, in accordance with it’s prescribed conditions and sources. Then sooner or later, you will come to the enlightening nature and truthfulness of the claim, definitely.
And___ when you will become aware of particular nature of the link between God-n-man including its prescribed conditions to maintain it. And___ when you will become wholeheartedly busy in positive accomplishment of the prescribed conditions. Then, as a result of your sincerity___ such a link between God-n-man will develop___ that no room will remain vacant for any type of doubt or suspicion. And___ faith in God will elevate you up to such an extent that you will feel and realize the Lord____ quite near and familiar to you. And___ such a soothing satisfaction will prevail all-around you which is meant for the chosen-ones alone.
To examine and analyze a claim that to what extent it is true___ is not possible unless it is admitted including it’s conditions. And___ the conditions are fulfilled in positive terms. As without positive fulfillment of the prescribed conditions, we can not check the reality of the claim. That is why that three steps are always observed for the purpose of research:
1. To admit the claim so as to examine it.
2. To fulfil it’s prescribed conditions.
3. To analyze the claim, treating it true, in positive terms.
2. To fulfil it’s prescribed conditions.
3. To analyze the claim, treating it true, in positive terms.
Usually, the first two conditions are fulfilled but the third-one is left over. Whereas the third one is the most important. Without whom the first two are meaningless. In fact, the first two conditions are preparation of the third-one. If third-one is left over___ then the first–two will become useless automatically. To understand this conditionality___ please concentrate upon the following example.
In good old times, the ships were made of wood. And___ it was popularly admitted that only such a thing could sail on water whose weight is lighter than the water. By and by a claim also came into fame that a steel-made ship could also sail on water just like the wooden ship.
Certain people did not like this new claim. So to refute it a big tub was brought and filled with water. Then a steel-hoof was dropped in it. The hoof drowned in the water and the people began to laugh at the claimant. Whereas some time later, the steel-made ships did sail on the water as they are sailing even today.
What wrong was there with this experiment? In fact, the experiment was not done, treating the claim true, in positive terms. Instead, the claim was treated as false and the experiment was done in negative terms so as to refute the claim and the claimant by hook or crook.
The steel-hoof was a solid piece of steel, which had to drown in water definitely. Positive demand of the experiment was a hollow pot of steel____ not a solid piece of steel. If a hollow pot of steel had been dropped in the tub, it would have never been drowned in the water.
Hence, to know the truthfulness of a claim, we are not merely bound to admit it and to fulfil it’s prescribed conditions. Rather, we are bound to analyze it, treating it true in positive terms. Surely, it is the positive approach alone, which ensures the positive results. We can not achieve the positive results through negative approach.
Sometimes, to analyze the truthfulness of a claim, some particular observations are essential. To go through these particular observations, in turn, is not possible for everyone. So we are left with no option but to admit the converse of such a person___ who lives in the world of these particular observations.
However, we can believe in the converse of such a person, only in that case, when he comes forth, with an undeniable proof of his truthfulness. To understand this conditionality, please concentrate once again on the following detailed and well-explained example.
Suppose____ there is a person on the sea beach with limited vision. Whose vision is limited to the observation of the sea-surface alone. In such a state, he does not know that what is going on, under the sea-surface. Nor he knows that what is going on, up above him, in the open sky.
As the observational-span of the sea surface-observer is limited up to the sea-surface alone. So he, simply, observes the waves, the boats, the ships etc. and he believes in their existence alone. He does not believe in the existence of numerous things, under the sea-surface, just as variety of the fish and flowers and plants and so on. Because these things are out of his limited vision and observation. Likewise, he does not believe in the existence of birds, clouds, flying objects etc. which fly in the air. Because these things are also out of his limited vision and observation, which is confined to the sea-surface alone.
In this very situation if something appears from the depth of sea or something lands from the height of sky on the sea-surface. Then the sea-surface-observer will, at once, surprise on the presence of such a new and strange thing. Thereafter, he will flatly calculate that the new and strange thing has come into existence, all of a sudden, just now. Likewise, if that thing will disappear in the depth of sea or in the height of sky. Then he will again surprise and flatly calculate that the thing has perished or come to an end forever.
At this stage, as the events and the incidents, occurring on the sea-surface will be under observation of the sea-observer. So, he will be able, to some extent, to understand their nature. But the landing of a bird on the sea-surface or its backward disappearance in the sky, will be such an observation___ that he will feel an unusual handicap, in understanding this new and unusual observation.
Now, suppose that the sea-surface-observer comes across a newcomer who is an extra-ordinarily able person. Who can see under the sea-surface___ above the sea-surface___ and around the sea, simultaneously. Then, with the help of this newcomer, apprehension of the new and unusual things will become, to a large extent, possible for the sea-surface-observer. Provided___ some undeniable proof of the newcomer’s truthfulness is practically received by the sea-surface-observer. Otherwise, the sea-surface-observer will never trust that life is also existing under and above the sea-surface and all around the sea.
The newcomer, who is able to see in the sky and under the sea-surface and all around the sea, himself, decides to educate the sea-surface-observer. (Let us say the newcomer as sky-observer and the sea-surface-observer as sea-observer in simple & corresponding terms). So, he asks the sea-observer whether he knows that where goes that very bird___ which suddenly appears on the sea-surface and suddenly disappears, after hunting a fish.
Sea-observer replies to the sky-observer that such an event has been taking place before his eyes, in the same way, since ever. And___ it will remain in progress, in the same way, as it is one of the incidents, which usually take place on the sea-surface. To apprehend this event is an insoluble problem. It is no doubt, a surprising event but I do not know it’s eventual reality, more than an event.
Sky-observer tells the real story of the bird and the fish. He says to the sea-observer that the bird comes from the sky, which is not observed by the sea-observer. And___ the fish comes out of the depth of sea, which is also not observed by the sea-observer. The bird flies in the air, above the sea-surface and tries to search out some fish on the sea-surface. As soon as it appears, the bird attacks and takes it away from the sea-surface and flies back in the sky.
Sky-observer further tells to the sea-observer that the scene observed by him, is not sufficient to know the reality. Because his observation is limited to the one phase of the reality alone. Whereas the reality is far more than the one-sided event of the sea-surface.
Sea-observer laughs at the story and considers the sky-observer as a talkative person. Who talks about such things, which do not exist in the world of reality? So he says to the sky-observer in a satiric way. “You are a good story-maker”.
To prove his truthfulness___ the sky-observer, however, says to the sea-observer. “Have some time with me on the beach so that I may provide some proof of my truthfulness to you”.
Sea-observer agrees to the proposal and asks the sky-observer. “How will you provide some proof of your truthfulness to me”?
Sky-observer replies that he will predict about happening of the events, for the sea-observer, before its happening___ and sea-observer will become watchful to observe the event well in time. Afterwards, he will positively observe the event and, as such, he will come to know that the sky observer tells aright about his observation of the sky.
At this stage, both of them stand up together on the beach. Sea-observer begins to see on the sea-surface while the sky observer begins to see in the sky.
By and by a bird comes and begins to hover over the sea, in search of a fish. Then, the sky-observer addresses the sea-observer in the following words:
“I had told you the truth that you do not know what I know and you do not see what I see. Beware please, the bird has come and he is going to hunt a fish from the sea-surface. So gaze on the sea-surface watchfully”.
Meanwhile the event takes place and the sea-observer is extremely surprised. Then he admits his ignorance and also admits that the sky-observer is not a liar. Nor he is a story-maker, instead, he is virtually able to see in the sky and under the sea-surface and all-around the sea, simultaneously.
In this way, the sky-observer provides an undeniable proof of his truthfulness for the sea-observer in terms of the said prediction. Thereby he makes the sea-observer understand that if something is not observed by the sea-observer, himself, it does not mean that the thing is not existing at all.
Hence, our surprise at some unusual things or events is, in fact, confession of our ignorance. At such a stage, consultation or meeting with some sky-observer or an awared-one is essential. Because his eye-queue is far broader than us and he sees & observes much of that which we do not see and observe at all. Without such a consultation or meeting, we will remain ever limited to our limited observation.
And___ a sky-observer or an awared-one can not bring forth, some undeniable proof of his truthfulness except through the way of prediction. Prediction is the only way, which makes us understand that the truth is far more than that, which we see by our limited sight.
As a matter of fact, we have limited intellect and limited awareness like that of the sea-observer. We treat the life and death, in simple terms of existence and non-existence. Whereas life is far more, than the mere existence, and death is far more, than the mere non-existence.
Human history tells us, that a series of such people has remained in progress, who claimed that they were the sky-observers or the awared-ones. But a dominant majority of mankind did not believe in their claim. Nor they examined their claim according to prescribed process. In the other words:
- They did not admit their claim.
- They did not fulfil the prescribed conditions.
- They did not analyze the claim, treating it true, in positive terms.
If the people had adopted the right process, then, they would have positively found numerous undeniable proofs of the truthfulness of sky-observers or the awared-ones. But alas! The people did not stand with them on the beach___ nor they awaited for the prediction and its eventual fulfillment. Consequently, the heedless people could not witness the truth by themselves___ on account of their own heedlessness.
At present ___the series of the sky-observers or the awared-ones, stands almost ended and we are on the way to our ultimate end.
Divine Revelations or the Scriptures, however, do contain the Commandments. Positive adaptation whereof can lead us to a blessed end. On the contrary___ negative rejection whereof can lead us to a cursed end. So, we should consciously adhere to the Commandments and the news & the predictions, given in the Scriptures.
Certain events have already taken place in accordance with the predictions of the Scriptures. And___ a series of such events will take place in the future as the news or predictions thereof have already been given in Bible & Quran. The most striking and ponder-able whereof are the following three:
- The indispensable coming of the Last Day.
- Resurrection of the dead human beings.
- Judgement of the human-deeds & Retribution or the Reward thereof.
A chapter is given in the Revelation of the Lord___ Al-Quran, under the heading of “The Romans” which begins with the Following Verses:
1. “Alif, Laam, Meem. 2
2. The Romans have been defeated.
3. In the nearer land and after their defeat they will become victorious (again).
4. Within nine years. It is Allah’s command in former or in the latter case, and the believers will rejoice that day.
5. On Allah’s (Patronizing) help to victory. Allah helps (those) whom Allah (likes and) wills (to be helped) and Allah is the Mighty, the Merciful.
6. It is a promise of Allah and Allah never goes against the promise but majority of the people does not know.
7. They know only that which is apparent of the worldly life and they are the people who remain ignorant of the Hereafter”.
(Al-Quran 30:1 to 7)
Verse-7 is about the surface-observers who remain heedless of their ultimate end which is an undeniable fact.
These Verses were recited in Arabian deserts almost 1419 years ago or even more. At that time Rome and Persia (Iran) were two super powers of the age. Romans were defeated by the Persians. The heathen Arab leaders of Mecca rejoiced at Persian victory and began to say that the heathen Persians have defeated the believing Romans (Roman Christians, the people of Scripture). Who will, henceforth, never come to power again. And___ their gross defeat is an omen of a disastrous end of the believers of Mecca (Meccan Muslims, the people of Quran). Such propaganda was highly agitating and demoralizing for the Meccan Muslims, in particular and for the believing people of the world, in general.
The situation was encountered by the Lord, in terms of the seven (7) Verses of Quran, recited and promulgated by Muhammad (PBUH) to the Meccan Muslims.
These Verses were an embodiment of a prediction about the fall of Persia___, which became practically fulfilled, in the 7th year after the defeat of Romans. Purpose behind this very prediction was threefold:
1. People should not doubt in Prophet-hood of the Prophet___ Muhammad (PBUH).
2. Truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) should be enriched by an undeniable proof enabling the people of intellect to believe in the WORD & the TRUTH brought by Muhammad (PBUH).
3. WORD OF GOD, AL-QURAN, should not be treated as a book of stories or an anthology of poetry or poetic prose.
As the prediction did come forth, as a positive reality, by the grace of the Lord. So, the believers did rejoice on account of the following three reasons:
1. It was predominantly decided that the path of believers was correct.
2. An undeniable proof of the Prophet’s truthfulness was positively received.
3. It was also openly known that God is the Almighty Lord. Who can raise the weak and the crushed nation___ and make it a powerful and the victorious nation, by virtue of the help and the grace. (In the same year, the battle of Badr also took place and the Lord dominated the Muslim believers, over the idol worshipper Meccans).
In short, the Scriptures are enriched with such type of predictions, and on the same account, their truthfulness is undeniable.
Mummies of Pharaohs in the museums today, are not only astonishing to the viewers, but their preservation is admonitory for the people as well.
Reminder about these mummies was mentioned in the Scripture, many centuries ago. And it was also mentioned that their prolonged preservation, is a token of warning for the coming generations.
At the time of this very reminder about mummies, the mummies were not traceable, any where in the world. Then after a long time___ they were discovered and kept in the museums.
In our time, they are known, not only as the tokens of warning, but as an enigma as well. According to Quran, the prolonged preservation of these mummies is on account of the Lord’s Commandment.
All of the predictions are, in principle, the undeniable proofs of the existence of God. “God is really existing”_____ is the claim, which can be testified, under the beacon-light of the numerous predictions of Bible & Quran, the both.
2 These are the three alphabet of Arabic language. Alif stands for God and the message.Laam for angel who brings the message and Meem for the messenger who recites the message.
The Flat World

To apprehend the matters, higher than the approach of human intellect and conscious___ is possible by virtue of the God-gifted consciousness alone. Such a consciousness is, however, awarded to only those polite people, who tread upon the God-appointed Straight Path, sincerely.
Intellect is although the biggest human instrument, but it is applicable only within certain limits. A lot of unusual matters have never been interpreted by the intellect. And___ inspite of being a heart based creature___ we have been oftenly treating the heart, as a worthless thing.
We can not weigh or measure the love & hope. While without these both, the life is no more than a mechanical process. So everything can not be weighed or measured through the intellect. And___ there are so many things___ in which we believe, without any help or confirmation of the intellect.
Intellect is a thing, which is enclosed within it’s own borders. To know it, in the most proper term, is no doubt, our first and the foremost necessity.
Edmond Abbot was the famous British intellectual, who designed a particular map, to demonstrate the limits of intellect, which is known as the Flat World.
This map contains some basic geometrical shapes. These shapes are hundred percent (100%) two dimensional as they are with the length and the width alone. They do not have any third dimension of height or depth at all.
This map is the best possible method to illustrate the reality. That is why that it has been referred to, again and again, by the subsequent intellectuals. Who endeavoured to interpret every such matter, which is beyond human intellect and conscious.
Detailed explanation of this map has been given by Edmond Abbot in the most desirable way. He has, logically, demonstrated the limits or the borders of human intellect.
Now by means of this very map___ we are going to examine the possibility of such an existing and living Omnipotent, who is beyond our intellect because of being the Creator of intellect.
Suppose____ there is a world, a two-dimensional world, a flat world, based on the flatness similar to shades, without any height or depth___ having only two dimensions of the length and the width alone. A world___ wherein there is no concept of the third dimension at all.
In this very flat world, intellect knows the length and the width positively but it is totally ignorant of the third dimension. Third dimension is very much existing but it is exterior as a third dimension to this flat world. So, none of the intellectuals of this flat world can grasp it by means of his two-dimensional intellect. Nor___ he can apprehend the realities of three-dimensional world or state, which is exterior to his two-dimensional world.
Third dimension remains untrapped by the flat brain of this flat world. Here in this two-dimensional world___ everything is two-dimensional and quite flat. The people___ business___ love___ marriage___ children___ homes__ knowledge___ debates___ disputes and intellect___ all in all are flat, just like the shadows without third dimension.
There is a city of this flat world wherein are living a flat square, a flat circle & a flat triangle. Here in this flat city, every action of the inhabitants, is a flat gesture. Their vision, their hearing, their speaking, their eating, their drinking and their understanding___ every gesture is a flat gesture and it takes place in a flat way.
Here in this city of the flat world___ things with two dimensions of length and width, are easily trapped or captured by the intellect. But the things with third dimension, are not captured by the intellect at all. So, these things are considered as supernatural things by the citizens of this flat city. That is the conditionality, which is treated as natural by these flat citizens and they do lead and spend their lives in the same conditionality.
Now suppose that a three-dimensional creature, incidentally, comes to this flat city of the flat world. None of the two-dimensional inhabitants___ feels the presence of that three-dimensional creature. So___ the presence of three-dimensional creature does not make any difference to the prevailing conditionality of the two-dimensional city.
Three-dimensional creature___ then addresses in its three-dimensional way to the two-dimensional square and says: “Hello!” The innocent square looks here and there in his two-dimensional world but in vain. He listens to the voice of three-dimensional creature which resounds all-around him but he listens to it only within the limit of two dimensions. So, he does not succeed in apprehending its meanings. Consequently,___ instead of responding to the call of “Hello”! He thinks that some disorder has taken place within his self. He, thereafter, consults the Doctors & other Specialists of his two-dimensional world but no one tells him some remedy of his problem and the problem remains as it is.
Three-dimensional creature, at last, scatters the possessions of two-dimensional square to make him realize the presence of his three-dimensional existence but again it makes no difference to the square. The innocent square thinks that he has been captured by some super natural creature.
After sometime, three-dimensional creature lifts up and takes the two-dimensional square into the world of three dimensions. The innocent square is highly astonished at this stage. He sees and realizes such type of things in three-dimensional world, which are all-in-all exterior to him and his two-dimensional world.
Three-dimensional creature, at this stage, gives a message to the two-dimensional square who is, afterwards, pushed back to his two dimensional world. The square grasps the message on account of his new sensibility but he remains confused for a considerable time. He ponders over the event again & again and thinks that who will believe him in his two-dimensional world.
The message given by the three-dimensional creature is of paramount importance and its conveyance to the two-dimensional creature is necessary at all cost. So, the square arranges a party at his home and invites his nears and dears to participate. After the party, He narrates the event and delivers the message of three-dimensional creature to the two-dimensional guests.
Majority of the guests___ demands to see the three dimensional creature by themselves. The flat circle criticizes the innocent square that he has been captured by some super natural creature and he has become mad. That is why that he is misleading the people. The flat triangle, however, accepts the message openly and says to the others that the innocent square has never told a lie as he is an upright fellow in letter and spirit. So, there is no excuse for anyone to refute the square and the message brought by him.
Now___ if we accept the situation of two-dimensional flat world___ as our own situation or as the situation of our three-dimensional world.
Then, refusal of four-dimensional or multidimensional creature will become impossible for us. Especially in that case, when someone of our three-dimensional world, would have met and conversed to the four-dimensional or multidimensional creature or an angel, in person. And___ some message would have also been received by him from the multidimensional creature or the angel, for onward conveyance to us.
This turning point is highly serious for three-dimensional creature____ the mankind. After this example, denial of a Prophet or a Messenger does not remain possible for us. Instead, the nature of Message invites our intellect to ponder over the Message seriously. Where-after the Scriptures brought by the Messengers___ are logically held as the most reliable sources of the truth.
Moses (PBUH) after descending from the mount Sinai, Jesus (PBUH) after returning from the desert and Muhammad (PBUH) after coming out of the cave Hira___ did talk of the same Message and the same truth.
We must think over the situation positively. Since inception of human population on the earth__ the situation is going on___ in the same way. The Messengers have been talking of the Message___ duly received from the Creator of all-dimensions. Believers thereof have been being saved while the deniers thereof have been being destroyed.
Evident is the fact that if human intellect had not been limited___ then, it would have furnished the answers of following questions___ by itself:
Where do we come from?
Where do we go after death?
What is the aim or purpose of life?
Where do we go after death?
What is the aim or purpose of life?
As the human-intellect is limited and unable to furnish reasonable answers of these questions. So, it becomes naturally imperative that our Creator may kindly furnish the desirable answers of these questions, through a man like us. Praise be to the Lord___ our Creator has always responded to us in positive terms. Messengers & Prophets have always been coming to us___ in all ages___ and at all times.
Now come to the context again. Is the two-dimensional square, in a position, to show three-dimensional creature, to his fellows? Or can he hint upon the third dimension in such a way that the two-dimensional creature may understand it?
If the two-dimensional creatures demand, again and again, that the two-dimensional square must show them either three-dimensional creature or, at least, the third dimension. Then, in what terms the square will respond? Whereas the square is unable, to draw some image or imagination of three-dimensional creature or the third dimension, within the frame of two-dimensional description. Nor he can bring three-dimensional creature or the third dimension, before them.
Three-dimensional creature is not describable in words according to the structure of intellect of the two-dimensional creature. Nor some picture or sculpture thereof, can be made in colours & lines or in stone or metal, which could be seen, in the two-dimensional terms.
Obvious is the condition that every two-dimensional object will be treated, as actual and the real, by the two-dimensional creature. While every three-dimensional object will be treated as unreal and imaginary by the two-dimensional creature. On the same account, the two-dimensional square is unable to hint upon three-dimensional creature or the third dimension. But inspite of that setback, the square will continue his converse about his incidental meeting with the three-dimensional creature and it’s message for the two-dimensional creature. Consequently, he will be held, as a liar or a super natural creature stricken mad, by his two-dimensional fellows.
Innocent square will be telling them, the truth, but no one will be trusting his statement from his two-dimensional fellows. At last, the limited intellect, which is intervening as an obstacle between the truth and it’s acceptance, will be left aside and the dialogue will come on the following turning-point:
“Whosoever is freely desirous, he may believe in the unseen. And___whosoever denies the truth on his own account__ such one should wait for such a day when the truth will come across him and remove his doubts. Of course the believers will be positively rewarded and the deniers will have to suffer from the retribution”.
We are, no doubt, the inhabitants of three-dimensional universe. Here, our mind and intellect, the both, are corresponding to three-dimensions of length, width and the height or depth. And___ our knowledge is based on the information of three-dimensional world and our life is a three-dimensional activity, within our three-dimensional surroundings.
Here in our world, a man like us, compels us that we should believe in God and the angels. And___ he tells us that he has met a multidimensional creature, the angel Gabriel. Who has given him a message from God___ God is the Creator of all dimensions but God is free from the dimensions and nothing is alike God and as such God is beyond our intellect and conscious.
We respond in terms of the demand that we want to see God and the angels. He replies that it is not possible through our three-dimensional intellect. Especially we can not see God with our eyes as God is not a thing___ nor a material or immaterial object, instead, God is the Absolute Holy.
We discuss the matter at length, in three-dimensional terms but no specific result comes out. We leave the situation as it is, saying thereby, that we are not ready to believe that,which is beyond our intellect. If to see the angel is not possible for us, then, how the Messenger, himself, has seen him?
He tries to make us understand that he has really met the angel Gabriel in a known state and he has really received the Message from him and God is really existing. But we remain captives of our limited intellect and do not accept the truth. Since the state in which Prophet receives message from God, remains our “unknown”, therefore, we stretch out our tongues against the Messenger. And, the process of hearing and accepting the truth, seems to us just like an irrational process due to our three-dimensional approach.
In human society, the matter of belief in God and truthfulness of Verses, has always been like that. In fact, we believe in three-dimensional realities alone. In our eyes, three-dimensional world is the only real world. A famous French painter Gustave Courbet was asked to paint the angels in Church. Courbet replied:
“Angels? How can I paint what I have not seen”. 3
On account of this very statement, Courbet is called as a realistic painter in the world of Art. And___ that is this very instance, which reveals the fact that reality of the people with three-dimensional vision, is always a limited thing.
Church has, in turn, presented the angels and God, as three dimensional creatures. Painted figures of many angels including God, have been brought before the eyes of masses by the Church. So that, three-dimensional people may apprehend and believe in them, in three-dimensional terms. Whereas the 1st Commandment in Bible, is clearly declaring the worship of images, as an act of hatred and enmity against God.
3 This answer of Courbet was not in response to the Commandments of God but it was based on the realism of three dimensional world.
Most interesting is the thing that to establish certain notions, church has called such a book___ a revealed book_____, which has been got, written by the church itself. Name of this book is Gospel by John. Introducing the same, Church itself is writing:-
1. “This Gospel was written so that its readers might believe that Jesus is the Promised Saviour, the son of God and that through their faith in him, they might have life”.
(Introduction to John, First Five Lines, Good News Bible, United Bible Societies, 1976, New York)
Almost the same wording is written in the Gospel as well in Verse 31 of the Chapter 20. And___ it is also written therein:
2. “No one has ever seen God. The only Son, who is the same as God……”.
(John 1:18)
(John 1:18)
Here____ through these two references___ the Church-made two deliberate alterations, are automatically unveiled.
1. The Church has transformed the multidimensional religion of Jesus into a three-dimensional religion.
2. The Church has made an image of God through the words: “the same as God” relating them to the so called introduction of Jesus. Whereas Jesus had never introduced himself in these words throughout his life.
Jesus (PBUH) always called him as the Son of Adam (Matthew 19:28, 24:44) but Church is calling him as the Son-God. So Church is, as such, trying to prove that God is a man.
How like is God? This very question has already been responded by the God, in the following words:
“I____ and I alone____ am God
No other god is real”.
No other god is real”.
(Deut. 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me!
Do not make for yourselves images
of anything. In heaven or on earth or
in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it”.
Do not make for yourselves images
of anything. In heaven or on earth or
in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it”.
(Deut. 5:7 to 9)
Hence, the notion that Jesus is just like God and he was with God since ever and he is the son of God____ is all-in-all wrong. Such a notion tantamounts to a malafide boldness, which has been purposely planned to refute God and God’s Commandments.
John’s statements are, in fact, based on opposition of the Lord, the One Alone God. So, the followers of John are indulged in making a false god with the Real God, the One Alone Lord. They have accepted this very statement of John as it is, without any critical study thereof:
“No one has ever seen God. The only son is the same as God……..”.
(John 1:18)
The statement means that there is another god, beside God, who is just like God.
Such a belief is quite contrary to the belief, described in terms of the Ten Commandments. Wherein God has warned that no image of God should be formed___ as nothing is alike God. To form an image or imagination of God so as to worship it___ is equal to the worship of an idol, which is an act of hatred and enmity against God. Church has formulated a new thing in religion by declaring the Prophet Jesus as God.
Famous American Priest, Jimmy Sweagert says in the way & style of John:
“God descended to earth in the guise of Jesus so as to walk and talk among people”.
It means that Jesus is god and it also means that Jesus alone is god___ the real god. Another belief is also popular that God is the father and Jesus is the son. As such every Christian believes in the following two contradictory things:
1. Jesus himself is god___ the real god.
2. God is the father and Jesus is the son.
2. God is the father and Jesus is the son.
Strange is the situation that no Christian bothers to think that if Jesus himself is god___ the real god___ then who is the son? Father & son, the both are different persons. Father can never be considered as son and son can never be considered as father and both can never be considered as one or alone.
Father or son___ are the names of human creature on the earth. Whereas nothing on the earth is alike God. Nor it ever can become alike God.
One of my friends__ was asked by someone that why he did not accept Jesus as the Son of God. He replied that whenever he succeeded in finding some news of the grandfather of Jesus___ he would accept Jesus as the Son of God___ then and there.
As the Christians believe in God, in terms of a creature or a thing on the earth. In the same way, pantheists or Sufies believe in God, in terms of a creature or a thing on the earth. That is why that they oftenly say that:
“God is everything and everything is God”.
Whereas it is clearly written in Bible & Quran, the both that:
“Nothing is alike God”
It means that to form an image or imagination of God by means of three-dimensional intellect or consciousness____ is not possible at all. Rather, it is not possible even by means of multidimensional intellect or consciousness___ as God is dimensions free. So, whosoever makes some image or imagination of God____ indeed he makes an idol and commits a tremendous sin and becomes an enemy of God.
About 1419 years ago or even more, an event took place with a man, like us, in Mecca. The event, which has been explained in the preceding pages through the allegory of two-dimensional world or the flat world.
The event, which took place in Mecca___ is clearly mentioned in Quran___ the Revelation of the Lord to mankind. Which is, by the grace of the Gracious God, free from all sorts of errors and anagram. Heading of the relevant chapter of Quran ___ is “Aun-Najm” (the planet). We, hereby, examine the Verses 1 to 12 thereof with reference to the Edmond Abbot’s flat world.
(The Planet)
By the leave of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. “By the planet when it disappears”.
(Planet is a symbol of our presence___ and it is corresponding to our intellect. “When it disappears” means that when three dimensional world disappears and a new state appears, which is multidimensional).
2. “That your comrade is not misled, nor is deceived”.
(Talking to the people, God is telling that the man (Prophet Muhammad) who is a man like his fellow-men___ is on the right path. Do not estimate him in diminished way that he is misled or deceived or he has entered into some imaginary or unreal state).
3. “Nor does he speak of his own desire”.
(Here, it is being clarified that Muhammad (PBUH) does not speak of the religion on his own accord or according to his personal estimate or ambition. Instead, he speaks of the religion on accord of the Lord, in terms of the revealed Verses. So He is preaching nothing else but the God’s Message).
4. “It is not anything but a revelation___ revealed to him”.
(Muhammad (PBUH) is preaching the same Message, which is being revealed, to him by his God. So his message is the God’s Message which must be adopted positively).
5. “It has been taught to him by the one powerful”.
6. “One vigorous who grew clear to his view”.
(Verses 5 & 6 are about the multidimensional creature___ the angel Gabriel, who took Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) into the multidimensional state. Where-after, it became possible for Muhammad (PBUH) that he could view the angel Gabriel and receive his message. Angel did appear before him and he (Prophet) saw him (Gabriel).
7. “When he was on the uppermost horizon”.
(The angel Gabriel was on the uppermost horizon at such a point, whereat the world of three-dimensions comes to an edge and where from the state of multi-dimensions takes its beginning. And___ that was the meeting-point of Muhammad & Gabriel. That point or state is far above of the design of mind. So, it has been properly surnamed as the uppermost horizon).
8. “Then he drew near and appeared down”.
(The angel Gabriel appeared down from his multidimensional state and appeared near to three-dimensional world and the both came to a close contact with each other).
9. “Till he was at the distance of two bows or even lesser”.
(The Verse is describing the situation in an allegorical way that the angel Gabriel and the Prophet Muhammad were in such a close contact as the two bows are close to each other, the distance became lesser and the both became closer to receive each other conveniently).
10. “Then, God revealed unto God’s slave that, which God wanted to reveal”.
(The situation is quite clear that Muhammad (PBUH) met the angel at the uppermost horizon, as it is evident from the preceding Verses. He did not met God as God is not a creature. Who could be seen or met by some person or prophet in a creaturely way. The word “revealed” make us understand that God gave the Message to the angel and the angel recited it to the Prophet and that is the God-ordained process of revelation.
If the verse had been like that:
“Then, God conversed with the slave that, which God wanted to converse”.
Only thereafter was a possibility to guess that God Almighty and Muhammad (PBUH) met & conversed to each other. But the presence of the word “revealed” and the absence of the word “converse” is openly clarifying that the meeting took place between the angel & the prophet___ not between God and the Prophet).
The following Verse further clarifies the situation:
“And___ it is not possible for man that God may converse to him but through revelation___ or from behind a veil___ or God sends a messenger who reveals that, with God’s permission, what God wants to reveal”.
(Al-Quran 42:51)
So the people who still believe that it was a God-n-man meeting. And, do not understand that it was an angel-n-man meeting. And, they narrate concocted stories of the God-n-man meeting. And, they diminish the Absolute Holiness of Allah by announcing Allah as a conjugal lover. 4 They are all-in-all wrong and they are committing an unpardonable sin.
11. “And, his heart (Muhammad’s heart) did not repel it, as a lie___ what he saw”.
(Here, the Verse is telling that Muhammad’s heart (PBUH) was a purified heart. It had an ability to perceive the multidimensional creature and to distinguish between the right and the wrong. So, each purified heart is a better and more capable device than the intellect to identify the fair and the foul).
12. “Will you then dispute with him concerning that what he saw”.
(God is telling here that the Prophet’s observation by heart is correct___ and the people of limited intellect should not dispute with him. Instead, they should positively believe in that___ what he advises to believe. They should try to understand his revealed truth so that they may be lead aright).
Famous British scholar, Edmond Abbot’s explanation, which proves the limit-ness of human intellect, practically, confirms the truthfulness of God’s Book. So we must accept it, as it is and obey God and God’s Book. Because any of the contrary life-styles, may lead us to a disastrous end.
4. The following pieces of poetry convey the sense of conjugal lover:

Rational thinking has collected a series of scientific information about the universe whose result is highly thought-provoking____, which has been summarized in the following words:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.
This result is based on such an authentic calculation that we can not find any room to criticize it in rational terms. Through irrational terms, of course, one can criticize it as much as he desires.
Strange is the fact that this calculation brings forth, detailed answers of all the questions, which arise, in human mind, about existence of God.
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”
means that there is a Creator of all the things of universe.
1. Who is this Creator?
2. How like is this Creator?
3. Where is this Creator?
2. How like is this Creator?
3. Where is this Creator?
These are the questions to be answered in detail.
Each creature is identifiable within its particular creaturely limits and the creatures of the universe are countless. And___ they are all alike on the one side and different from each other on the other side. So, we come to the following three important attributes of their Creator, automatically:-
1. The Creator owns infinite knowledge & all-encompassing creativity.
2. Harmony, Balance, Style and System of Creation reveal that the Creator is the All-Alone Owner of the Nature & the Almightiness.
3. The Creator is Unseen Omnipotent and nothing is alike the Creator. And, the Creator can never be considered as a limited, conceivable and physically approachable thing.
Nothing is alike the Creator means that everything of the universe is a creaturely thing. And____ the word of “thing” itself determines the boundaries of a creature & encircles its material or immaterial existence. While the Creator of this infinite & inapprehensible universe___ is free from all sorts of creaturely limits. So, none of the reckoning, is there, which may declare the Creator as a thing. And____ to declare the Creator as a thing is totally an irrational declaration, equal to the denial of Creator.
Besides that, the Creator can be believed as Creator of everything, only in that case, when nothing should, predominantly, be alike the Creator. No other rational way is there, to believe the Creator as the Creator. We can not consider the Creator as a person or a thing or a creature and, at the same time, as a Creator of everything every person and every creature. Such an approach will be, altogether, an irrational approach, rather, an absurd approach.
A thing or a person, or a concept or a consideration, all in all; are in fact the limited pictures of our understanding. While every understandable thing is a limited and encircled thing. Which can never be considered as a creator of anything.
Appropriate way of belief in God is that, God should not be considered in terms of things as nothing of the whole series of things___ is alike God. That is why that God is termed as Super-natural and Super-physical. And, such a terminology is completely correct, as we can not determine that how-like is God. Nor we can say that such and such thing is alike God.
To pronounce God’s glory in proper terms, we should not say, “God is not a thing”. Instead, we should say, “Nothing is alike God”. Delicate difference of the both sentences is particularly notice-worthy. If we say that:
“God is not a thing”
then, the intellect (which is accustomed to perceive things) will say that God is nothing and God is not existing. Whereas God is existing here and there everywhere. So, when we say that:
“Nothing is alike God”
then, it is automatically declared that God is the beyond of everything and God is not a thing. God is very much existing but God is not perceivable by human intellect.
To believe in God in rational terms, we should positively know that what is a thing. Such knowledge will enable us to know the Creator, with reference to God’s created things, conveniently.
Everything, according to the most modern knowledge, is perceived on account of its reality based organic order and composition. And____ the organic order and composition of a thing, are determined under some particular rules and regulations. That is why that a thing remains different from the other thing and it remains specific representative of it’s own kind. An apple remains apple___ a mango remains mango___ a flower remains flower___ and a thorn remains a thorn. And___ they are never exchanged with each other, at any stage of their development inspite of their atmospheric and biological similarity.
Here___ the intellect is highly amazed that how-like are these working rules and regulations, which do not let the things to go beyond their organic limits. Wherefrom have these rules & regulations come including their regulative force, which remains always intact and is never decayed by the passage of time. Are these rules and regulations alive? Of course, they are alive, as it is evident from their creative working. But who has given them such a strange & marvelous life? These are the questions, entailing in certain other questions, for which, human intellect has no answer at all.
The only and the alone answer in this regard is that, some Ordainer of these rules & regulations is definitely living and existing. Who is the All-Alone Creator of everything including it’s order and composition or its characteristics. But rest assured that even the commonplace creature, is not encompass-able by human intellect in real terms. So, how the Creator can be encompassed by the human intellect.
Presence of countless creatures with their living characteristics, however, makes us understand that the Creator is very much existing and present, everywhere, quite close to the creatures. But the Creator is not checked by any border or limit or by some organism, as every organism, itself, is a sort of limitation. So, the Creator is the Absolute & the Infinite and nothing is alike the Creator. And nothing can be ever alike the Creator as everything is limited by certain organism. Whereas the Creator is the Ordainer of every organism. The Creator is not an organism at all.
Existence of the universe and it’s marvelous chain of complexed systems___ working in highly delicate fractions and frequencies___ are the ever-sounding witnesses of the existence of their Creator. Who is existing everywhere but is not an object of existence like a thing. As nothing of the existing or non-existing things can be alike the Creator. So, men, of intellect should positively pay heed, to the revealed information___ coming from the beyond of this universe.
The latest scientific result that:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”
is very much harmonized with the revealed truth that
“Nothing is alike the Creator (God)”
The former is not only harmonized with the latter, rather, it is rationally leading every modern information and scientific calculation of the day, to its actual and the ultimate destination. The truth springs out automatically when we join these two sentences together.
So, whenever we say that:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”,
then, it will be automatically decided, that there is some Creator of everything. Likewise whenever we say that:
“Nothing is alike the Creator”,
then, it will be also automatically decided, that the Creator is free from every sort of organism and the Creator is Absolute and Infinite, in absolute & infinite terms as the Creator is Holy.
In presence of this vast and inapprehensible universe, we can not deny the presence of it’s Creator. Who is not encompass-able by human intellect, as the Creator is the Super-natural and the Super-physical. So we can not enlimit God, by saying God, a thing. Nor we can declare the created things as God.
If everything had been God and God had been everything, then, the revealed verdict would have not been like that:
“Nothing is alike the Creator (God)”.
Therefore, none of the things of universe, material or immaterial, solid or liquid, bright or dark, open or hidden, physical or metaphysical, partial or the whole, including the life and death, and the beginning and the end and so on____ can be declared as God or image of God___ as the creature can never be alike God.
In the other words, we cannot make any image or imagination of God. So those___ who worship any image or imagination of God____ they do not worship God___ instead they worship an idol___ made by their own intellect.
To make some image or imagination of God, is not possible and permissible on account of the fact and the verdict that “nothing is alike God”. No soil, no stone, no wood and no metal can ever be or become alike God. None of these things can give us any idea or information, about God. We can not take the idols and images___ even as some signs or signals____ pointing to God. Such an act will be the misuse of intellect and a tremendous injustice. Intellect is ordained to believe the Unseen God in the light of the testimony of heart and that is the faith in reality.
No painter can paint any image of God and no philosopher can develop any imagination of God. That is why that to deal with the most important matter of the belief in God____ Prophets were sent by God. If they had not come then we would have been lead astray____ definitely____ on account of our material thinking.
Brain can not encompass the Creator, even, after consumption of its whole potential.
Albert Einstein has declared the universe as inapprehensible on account of its infinity. As such, he has pointed out the limits of the brain.
We can utter the word of God, Eishwar, Jehovah, or Allah, as a name of the Creator. But we can not treat it, as the name, which can encompass the real existence of Creator.
Space____ is the name of a thing, which declares the space as a thing. It is the name of such a thing, which encircles the material objects but itself is like an immaterial state. In the same way God is a name but it does not declare God as a thing. And____ it is a specific name for the Creator of everything. The Creator is not a thing and nothing is alike the Creator.
The word of ALLAH is the name for God in Arabic language, which has been explained, through the following Verse of Quran:

(Al-Quran 2:255)
The Verse explains that Allah (
) is illa hoo (
), illa (
) means that Who is separate, beyond and nothing is alike Allah. Hoo(
) means the Extremely Surprising, the Supernatural and the Super-physical_____ Who is not encompass-able by human intellect and is Supreme Lord.

In short, ALLAH is not an idol or an image, which is grasped by human intellect, in terms of a thing, or a region or a circumference. The word ALLAH is, in fact, not a name of God, instead, it is an introduction of God. Who is the Absolute Creator and the Absolute Almighty. This introduction is centralized on the following two points:
1. God is the Beyond of everything.
2. God is Extremely Surprising, not encompassable by intellect.
2. God is Extremely Surprising, not encompassable by intellect.
In the light of this very introduction of God____ it is positively clarified that we can not make any image or imagination of God’s existence. Nor, we can take God in terms of the created things. Nor we can ascribe, any name of the creatures, to God as God’s name. Such an ascription, is equal to treat the Creator, as a creature.
In this world, we have always witnessed that it is the enemies alone, who try to diminish the dignity of some dignitary, on account of their enmity. By and by, it is also witnessed, that when someone is diminished by his enemies, he does not tolerate this insult and begins to treat his enemies____ as his enemies. So, it is the very nature of one’s behaviour, which determines one’s role, as a friend or foe. This very attitude on our part, is actually a living verse of God. That is why, that thousands years ago, God addressed Moses (PBUH) and his nation, in the following words:
“I ___ and I alone_____ am God
No other god is real”
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me!
Do not make for yourselves
images of anything in heaven
or on earth or in the water under the earth
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord your God and
I tolerate no rivals”.
Do not make for yourselves
images of anything in heaven
or on earth or in the water under the earth
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord your God and
I tolerate no rivals”.
(Deut. 5:7 to 9)
And____ through these words, God has provided us the answers of those questions, which may arise about God’s real existence, till the Day of Resurrection. The answers are so comprehensive, that they remove every doubt, related to God’s existence.
But when the Commandment was forsaken by the nations_____ then God sent Muhammad (PBUH), to remind it, to the nations. Who were treating God in creaturely terms and still they are treating God in creaturely terms.
Majority of the mankind, without any reason, is not agreed to consider God, over & above the images & imaginations. That is why that, the houses of worship are saturated with manifold images and idols.
Some people consider God in terms of a father, some in terms of a son, some in terms of a co-disciple 5 and some in terms of a king, enthroned on the highest sky, far away from us . 6
5 Sufies are of the view that on account of their passionate love and dedicated reverence for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), they and God, the both; are standing in one and the same line of the co-disciples of Muhammad (PBUH). God forbid!
6 Such a thought is also popular among the Muhammadans on account of their wrong translation of a repeated Verse i.e. (Al-Quran 7:54, 10:3, 25:59). In which they translated the words of

as “then God settled on the Crown” instead of the right translation as “then God established the moral state (operating court) over (and within) the universe/cosmos”_______________________________________________________________
About such a limited and creaturely god, this question arises automatically that “who created such a god”? That is why that the non-believers of God ask that if God has created everything then who created God?
This question has always been raised by the non-believers of all times and it remained unanswered. The late, renowned philosopher Bertrand Russell also raised this very question.
The question remained unanswered because of the fact that the believers of God have themselves remained ignorant of the real existence of God and presently they are polytheists, pantheists and henotheists instead of being monotheists. It seems as if the Message of Monotheism is totally forgotten by the people of Scripture. That is why that whenever they are confronted by this question that “who created such a god”? They have no rational reply on their part except to exclaim: “God forbid! God forbid! God forbid!”
Doubtlessly, intellect can not encompass the existence of God but it is the only device to understand all other affairs and matters, concerning the existence of God.
Anyhow, “God forbid” is not an answer of this atheistic question. God created intellect to ponder over the universe and cosmos and all the matters. But the believers don’t want to ponder over the universe and cosmos and all the matters in the light of the Scriptures. And, this strange situation which reflects ignorance, is more crucial than the question.
If God had been believed, according to God’s Commandments, as Super-natural and Super-physical by the human intellect. And____ it had been continuously told and taught to the coming generations, that God is not like a thing or a person. Nor a thing or a person, can be alike God. Nor a thing or a person can be considered as God’s partner. Then the question of:
“If God has created everything then who created God”
Would have never raised by the believers and non-believers, the both, about the Absolute Creator and the Absolute Holy.
It is clearly written in the religious books of Indians, that God is not like a thing, nor there is anyone to oppose God. Even then, Indians are worshipping various personalities, treating them as ROOP (appearance) and SAROOP (real appearance) of God.
It is clearly written in Bible that nothing on the earth, in heavens, or under the earth in the waters; is alike God. Even then, Christians are treating this statement of John as a correct statement that:
“No one has ever seen God.
The only Son, who is the same as God”.
(John 1:18)
The only Son, who is the same as God”.
(John 1:18)
It is also clearly written in the Bible that:
“I___ and I alone ____ am God
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
Even then, Christians believe in Trinity considering God as one of the three gods or God as a three in one.
Some Christian painters have painted God even in terms of an old man and that is the result of ignorance and of introducing God as father, an imaginable thing and the likewise beliefs.
Christians also consider Jesus as an appearance of God, and as such, they believe in a man-god. A likewise god is Krishna in India, and Buddha in the other Far East countries. Whereas worship of the man-god is prohibited everywhere in all the religions. It is written in Bhagavad-Gita:-
“But Lord Krishna even discouraged his father Nanda Maharaja from worshipping the demigod Indra, because he wanted to establish the fact that people need not worship any demigod. They need only worship the Supreme Lord, because their ultimate goal is to return to God’s abode”.
(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, 1986-edition, Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group, last 2 lines & first 3 lines of the Introduction at pages No. 20 & 21 respectively).
If Krishna had been a man-god, then, he would have declared himself as man-god definitely. And___ he must have advised his father to worship him (Krishna) but he did not advise like that at all. Instead, he said about the worshippers of man-gods or demigods that:
“Those, whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures”.
(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, 1986-edition, Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group, lines 19 to 21 of the Introduction on page No.20).
Strange is the polytheistic synchronization that Indian people worship Krishna as man-god in the same way as Christians worship Jesus as man-god. And, the grave-worshippers in Muslims do follow the Hindus and the Christians and they are seen, even, prostrating on the graves.
Strange is the contradiction that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pray to God and prostrate before God alone to fulfil his needs and necessities. But the majority of Muhammadans ask Muhammad (PBUH) to fulfil their needs & necessities. And___ these Muhammadans do give bath to the graves, in the same way, as Hindus give to their idols & images in India. All alike is the system maintained by the both, in the name of religion.
Sufies of the nation of Muhammad (PBUH) like Indian Sufies, consider the universe as an integral part & existing part of God. They do not consider it, separate from God, as a creature of God. They are of the view, that:
1. “God is everything and everything is God”.
2. “God is one and many”.
2. “God is one and many”.
Main point of the Prophet-hood of all the Prophets____ was to introduce One and Alone God Who does not resemble to any thing and according to Muhammad (PBUH):
“Allah is the All-Alone God and it is Allah, Who gives reward to the obedient servants and retribution to the disobedients. And, there is no one, in addition to Allah or in place of Allah, who could act like that”.
And, the same education has been imparted to every Muslim, through the faith-declaring words of:

That is to say “there is no God but Allah (the All-Alone God)”.Quran confirms these meanings, again and again, in its various Verses, of the various chapters, as it is written therein:
“Yet they (people) choose beside Allah, other gods, who create nothing but they are, themselves, created. And, they do not possess any power to hurt or profit themselves, and, they do not possess the death or the life or the power to raise the dead”.
(Al-Quran 25:3)
Inspite of all that, majority of the Muhammadans has replaced the God-worship by personality-worship. They believe in demigods treating them as all omnipotent to hurt or profit them like Allah. As such they have left aside the meanings of the word “Allah” and the meanings of “Worship”.
In such a situation, it seems as if, none is there who knows the meanings of God & the Almightiness of God.
Allah is being believed in terms of a common worshipper. That is why that it is being openly announced in the mosques that:
1. God does not worship but Darood 7 (
) is such a specific worship that even God performs it.

2. God does not recite any wording but Darood is such a specific wording that even God recites it.
No one ponders over this question:
If Allah is worshipping or praying then before whom, Allah is worshipping or praying?
7 Relevant explanation is coming ahead.
Preaching of such notions____ which are all in all against the Muhammad’s preaching (PBUH) ___ is in vigorous progress. And, no one ponders over the fact that Darood is a prayer, which is to be recited before the Almighty Allah alone. If Allah is also reciting this prayer, then, before whom, Allah is reciting it?
Muhammadans have, perhaps, forgotten the fact, that only Allah accedes to the prayers and Allah does not recite any prayer, nor, Allah performs any type of worship. Nor Allah is in need of reciting a prayer or performing the worship. Allah is the Almighty Lord____ Who can create millions & billions of worlds and Prophets like Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) ____ by commanding a small word of “KUN” (Be!). How can Allah be, in need of saying like that:
“O’Allah! Send blessing & security upon Muhammad”.
Whereas Allah is Allah (God) and the Almighty Lord. Who can send & confirm blessing & security upon everyone.
Where has the mistake taken place? Why the nation of Muhammad (PBUH) is declaring Allah____ in terms of a worshipper___ who worships and worships in terms of a conjugal lover. Who prays and prays Darood for Muhammad (PBUH). Whereas according to the preaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
“Nothing is alike Allah”.
So according to the preaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we can not believe Allah, in terms of a conjugal lover, or a devoted worshipper, as Allah is free from the creaturely traits and Allah is the Absolute Holy.
Darood is a prayer and the person who prays____ is a helpless person, as to pray is to demonstrate one’s personal helplessness. If Allah is praying then, how Allah can be believed as the Almighty Lord of every creature and Absolute Holy.
Where has the mistake taken place? Monotheism___, which had been preached by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through thick & thin____, is now_____ not being seen among Muhammadans.
Darood is a good prayer, which is meant for a person, like you and me. We pray to Allah that may Allah send and confirm blessing and security upon Muhammad(PBUH) and his followers or the Muslim Community. So that the Muslim community may achieve the highest rank among the other nations. But if Allah is also reciting the same prayer, then, who will bless Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers and the Muslim community, to award them the highest rank among the other nations?
Where has the mistake taken place? Let us examine the situation in detail.
1. In chapter four (4) of Quran, under the heading Aun-Nisa (The Women), the words of:

have been translated as:
“And, they should submit (themselves to the Prophet) with full submission”
(Al-Quran 4:65)
2. And in chapter thirty Three (33), under the heading Al-Aehzab (The Clans), the words of

have been translated as:
“Who showers blessing on (all of) you”.
(Al-Quran 33:43)
(Al-Quran 33:43)
These are the correct translations. But mistake has taken place in translation of the Verse 56 of Al-Aehzab (The Clans). Wherein the words of

have been translated as:
“Allah and Allah’s Angels recite Darood on the Prophet”instead of the correct translation of:
“Allah and Allah’s Angels shower blessing on the Prophet”
(Al-Quran 33:56)
(Al-Quran 33:56)
And____ the words of:

therein, have been translated as:
“and salute him with a worthy salutation” instead of the correct translation of :
“and salute him with a worthy salutation” instead of the correct translation of :
“and submit yourselves (to the Prophet) with full submission”.
(Al-Quran 33:56)
(Al-Quran 33:56)
The word of Darood (
) is a Persian word which is nowhere found in the Quranic text. And, the real and regular Darood, Darood-e-Ibraheemi, is also not found, anywhere in the Quranic text. Of Course, this prayer (Darood-e-Ibraheemi) was taught by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to his followers. And, its recitation is an act of a formal request before Allah that Allah may shower blessing on Muhammad and his followers (the whole Muslim Community) as Allah had, previously, showered blessing on Abraham and his followers.

If the translation of Verse-56 of Al-Aehzab had been done___ keeping in view the correct translation of Verse 43 of Al-Aehzab and Verse 65 of Aun-Nisa___ then, the translation would have been like that:
“Lo! Allah and Allah’s angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O’ you who believe! Be courteous to him and submit yourselves to him with full submission”.
This correct translation is also based on a Hadith, narrated by Hazrat Ali, in which Hazrat Ali has interpreted the words of:

as: “Allah shower blessings on the Prophet”
and the words of:

as “and submit yourselves to him with full submission”.
For reference, please see the note by Syed Muhammad Rifai Arab along with the Verse 56 of Surah Al-Aehzab, in his recently published translation of Quran.
In fact, Verse 56 of Al-Aehzab, is a Commandment of Allah for Muslim-believers that they must obey the Prophet with perfect obedience. That is why that Verse 56 is followed by the Verse 57, with the following warning:
“Those who try to malign Allah and Allah’s Messenger, Allah has cursed them in the world and the Hereafter and Allah has prepared for them a doom of the disdained”.
(Al-Quran 33:57)
(Al-Quran 33:57)
But alas! The Verse 56 of Al-Aehzab, is being translated in the following wrong terms:
“Low! Allah and Allah’s angels recite Darood on the Prophet. O’ you who believe! Recite Darood on him and salute him with a worthy salutation”.
It is because of this very wrong translation that the Almighty Allah, is being declared, in terms of a devoted worshipper, and a conjugal lover, instead of the Omnipotent Lord____ Who is free from all of the creaturely needs and ambitions.
This translation of Verse 56 of Chapter 33 (Al-Aehzab) was willfully done by the Indian Muslims to make distinction between the Prophets and to glorify Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It seems as if the Muhammadan people do not recite the following Verses of Al-Quran.
“Lo! those who disbelieve in Allah and Allah’s messengers and seek to make distinction between Allah and Allah’s messengers and say: We believe in some and disbelieve in others and seek to choose a way in between;
Such are non-believers in truth and for non-believers Allah prepare a shameful doom.
But those who believe in Allah and Allah’s messengers and make no distinction between any of them, unto them Allah will give their wages and Allah is Ever Forgiving, Merciful”.
(Chapter 4, Women Verses 150 to 152, Al-Quran)
These three Verses reveal the following points.
1. Those who make distinction between Prophets, they are non-believers and they are the prey of shameful doom.
2. All the Prophets are equal in status. All are men and messengers.
3. It is nothing else but a Satanic custom among the people of all the Scriptures that they glorify their own Prophets alone. And, they make distinction between the Prophets by declaring their own favourites alone as the God favourites. Whereas according to all the Scriptures, all the Prophets are, equally, men and messengers of God.
4. Allah (The Alone God) is the real God of all the nations, under heaven.
5. Allah will bless only those who do not make distinction between the Prophets and believe in One Alone God as the God of all the Prophets and all the nations. Such people sayAllah, Eishwar, God, Jehovah ____ is the One Alone Lord____ our God____ and all the names of the Lord are for the Lord, our God.
So, the Muhammadan people should not only rectify their faith in Alone God (Allah) and Allah’s Messengers but they should also ponder over the wording of Darood-e-Ibraheemi:
“Oh Allah! Shower Your blessings upon Muhammad and his descendents, in the same way, as You showered Your blessings upon Abraham and his descendents. Doubtlessly You are Holy and Praise Worthy.
Oh Allah! bless prosperity upon Muhammad and his descendents, in the same way, as You blessed prosperity upon Abraham and his descendents. Doubtlessly You are Holy and Praise Worthy”.
It is said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught this prayer, known as Darood-e-Ibraheemi, to his followers and asked them to recite it during their prayers.
In this prayer Muhammad (PBUH) is begging from Allah, the status of Abraham and his descendents, for himself and his descendents.
This very Darood-e-Ibraheemi does confirm the truth____ revealed in Chapter 4 of Quran___ in Verses 150 to 152___ and, it clearly tells us that Prophet Muhammad was well aware of these Verses of Quran. And, he did not demand from Allah, anything more or less than the status of Abraham. As such, it is also clearly confirmed that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) consciously made no distinction through this prayer between Allah’s men and Messengers and desired the status of Abraham and his followers for himself and his followers.
When Allah says that there is no distinction between the Prophets, then, we should not make any distinction between the Prophets____ following the way of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
If we shall make distinction between the Prophets, then, we will automatically go____ out of the religion___ taught by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and consequently___ we will be considered as NON BELIEVERS, ON THE DAY OF ALLAH,according to Al-Quran, Surah Aun-Nisa, Chapter 4, Verses 150 to 152.
In fact, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught this prayer (Darood) to his nation to make them clear that Allah is the Only Blesser and further told to his nation in clear-cut words that “best remembrance of Allah is____ “There is no god but Allah”___ and the best prayer before Allah is Surah Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1 of Quran)”.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also mounted Surah Al-Fatiha as the crown of all prayers.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never knew the Persian or Indian word of “Darood” because he was an Arabian.
Once I asked the following question from an Indian religious leader:
“If Allah is praying Darood including Allah’s angels and the believers, then, who will acknowledge this particular prayer?
Everyone knows that worship means, to pray and to pray means, to beg. In such a case, can we consider Almighty Allah as a worshipper?”
The Indian religious leader passed a smile and said, “Actually, Darood of Allah is not a prayer of Allah, instead, it is blessing of Allah, which Allah showers upon the Prophet”.
This was the answer, which made the problem, properly solved that Allah is not a worshipper but the Only Blesser.
To say that:
“Allah is praying Darood upon Muhammad (PBUH)”
means that Allah is a worshipper and to say that:
“Allah showers blessings upon Muhammad”
declares that Allah is the Almighty and the Omnipotent Blesser.
So the place of mistake is the translation of Verse 56 of Chapter 33 (Al-Aehzab) alone. It is the place in Quran where Indian translators have created a tremendous problem.
Instead of saying: “Allah showers blessings upon Muhammad (PBUH)” they say: “Allah is reciting Darood upon Muhammad (PBUH)” and this is the place where translators have diminished the Almightiness of Allah and made Allah a helpless worshipper.
Helpless creatures do pray before Allah for their needs and Allah is the Only Listener of the prayers and the Only Blesser. Allah acknowledges the prayers and blesses the helpless creatures. Allah is not a helpless worshipper or a helpless god at all.
Allah is Allah, our Alone God and Alone Lord. When Allah wills to do something, Allah says “Be” (KUN) and Allah’s will happens in practical terms. Think yourself, is it not a man-made concept that Allah is praying and worshipping for the Prophet, for the last fourteen hundred years and nothing has yet happened?
In fact, in this Verse:

Allah has given an order to the believers to behave kindly and humbly to the Prophet and to obey the Prophet by all means so as to prove their faith. And___ the fact is evident from the correct translation of Verse 56 of Chapter 33 (Al-Aehzab) and the warning of Verse 57 of the same Chapter.
“Lo! Allah and Allah’s angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O’ you who believe! Be courteous to him and submit yourselves to him with full submission”.
“Those who try to malign Allah and Allah’s Messenger, Allah has cursed them in the world and the Hereafter and Allah has prepared for them a doom of the disdained”.
(Al-Quran 33:56, 57)
Even then if someone doubts in the correct translation and keeps on considering Allah as a worshipper then I leave him with these questions to ponder over:
1. Is not this saying of Allah recorded in Al-Quran?
“But Allah’s command, when Allah intends to do a thing, is only that Allah says unto it: BE! And it happens practically.
(Al-Quran 36:82)
2. If Allah says so and there is no doubt in it then:
“If Allah intends to bless the Prophet then why Allah is not saying “Be” (KUN) and why Allah is praying or reciting Darood for Muhammad (PBUH)” ?
Religion is the name of God’s worship. It is not the personality-worship at all. And, personality-worshippers are of the view that God is a father or a worshipper or a lover, just like those of the common humans. Such a view about God is to consider God, in terms of a thing or a creature. Which is quite contrary to the following Verse:
“Nothing is alike God” .
And___ it is this very questionable situation, which has diminished and distorted the revealed concept of the real existence of God____ up to such an extent___ that, the scientists and the philosophers are asking:
“Who created such a God”?
If the truth of Quranic Verdict:
“Nothing is alike God”
had been kept in view positively. And____ the Lord’s introduction had been made in appropriate terms. That God is the Creator of everything but God is not a thing. God is the Beyond of everything. God is very much existing but nothing of the existing things____ is alike God. Nor any image or imagination can be alike God.
Then____ there was every possibility, after such an appropriate introduction of God____ that the people with rational thinking would have come to know their Lord, in positive terms. And___ they would have openly dared to utter the truth, before the so-called religious leaders. That God is Supernatural and Super-physical. God can not be encompassed by the human intellect. Nor God can be declared in creaturely terms that God is a father, or a son, or a lover or a worshipper. God is not like the man-made images or imaginations, at all.
But as the majority of mankind, does not believe in God, according to God’s Commandments. Instead, they consider God, in personality terms. So the men of rational thinking, have deemed it more desirable, that they should not believe in such a demigod___ to believe in whom is an open foolishness.
Of course, some scientists have believed in God, but not in conventional terms of the Church or the temples. They have believed in God, in rational terms i.e. according to God’s Commandment, that nothing is alike God.
Refusal of the rational people, to believe in personal or conventional god is, in fact, refusal of the so-called religious leaders. Who are introducing God in personal and conventional terms or creaturely terms.
Atheism is, of course, a production of those religious leaders, who have not introduced the Lord, in appropriate terms___ in accordance with the Commandment that nothing is alike God.
Instead, they have painted the Lord in creaturely images. Sometimes in the image of a thing and sometimes in the image of a person. They have also declared God as the father of Jesus. In such a situation___ a question automatically arises, that who is the Grand God, prior to the Father God.
Intimate images of the Lord have also been painted by the so-called religious leaders. They are of the view that God comes to earth in the guise of a man. Here again, a question arises automatically, that who is the creator of such a man-like god?
Hence____ amid such a series of manifold images and imaginations___ of a personal and creaturely god___ people with rational thinking had no way, but to retard to Atheism.
To know God in appropriate terms, we must adhere to God’s Commandment that:
“Nothing is alike God”
God is not a creature. Not a son, nor a father. Instead, God is the Creator of every creature. And____ God is Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not encompass-able by the human intellect.
God is the Creator of every need but God is free from every need. God is the All Alone and God is the Absolute Holy. Nothing of the material or immaterial creatures can oppose God, as an equivalent to God. God is One and Alone since inception and God will remain One and Alone forever. Death is for the creatures____ not for God. God is the Creator of life and death, the both. God is the creator of the knowledge, the Mercifulness, the Almightiness, the Bounty & the Benevolence and the likewise Attributes as well. No description___ or narration____ or definition___ or praise___ can encompass God. God is the Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not encompass-able by the human intellect. Intellect can simply believe in God through the apparent signs.
When the Supreme Lord has already introduced the following verdict that:
“Nothing is alike God”
Then, what is the justification for calling God as a person or a creature or a thing.
Those who analyze things in their laboratories. They discover nothing but the material or immaterial order and composition of things. And even a commonplace particle of dust or clay, can be examined today___ like a machine. Just like a machine, which is performing it’s latent duty.
Working machine of an atom of dust or clay, in it’s function, is just like that of the function of solar system. The function of solar system, in turn, is just like the function of cosmic system.
It is evident that cosmos is undergoing a particular programme and a specific purpose. It is such a magnificent and extremely complicated machine that it’s every particle, itself, is a complete machine as well as a component.
While looking at the cosmic-machine, following questions do arise in our mind:
1. Who is the Creator of this cosmic machine?
2. How-like is the Creator?
3. Where is the Creator?
4. What is the purpose of this machine?
2. How-like is the Creator?
3. Where is the Creator?
4. What is the purpose of this machine?
Answers of these questions, do appear on the brain-screen, in the following way:
1. Creator of this universe/cosmos is some limitless and infinite power. Who has demonstrated its knowledge, through creation of the countless creatures. But as the power itself is a creature, so, the presence of some Absolute Powerful is indispensable.
2. Every organism of this universe, with some order and composition, is a thing while nothing can be alike the Creator. The Creator and the Ordainer of every organism, every order and every composition; is predominantly free from every organism, every order and every composition. God is not a thing, nor a person___ nor a creature at all.
3. Without the Ordainer’s presence and patronisation, the complexed cosmic system can not work smoothly. So___ it’s Creator and Ordainer is doubtlessly present everywhere as the cosmic system is progressively working everywhere.
4. This magnificent universe/cosmos and it’s nourishing generosity for the countless creatures including mankind, is a demonstration of the Godhood of God and God’s Almightiness. So that, the creatures may believe in the Godhood and Almightiness of the Creator and submissively beseech before God for their benefit and benevolence.
The series of such questions and answers, goes on so smoothly and so convincingly, that no one with rational thinking remains as an atheist on the earth. Provided, proper attention is paid to the proper introduction of God and no heed is paid to the fabricated images and imaginations of God.
As a matter of fact, only those are responsible for the denial of God, who consider God in terms of a thing or a creature or a human being.
Questions about God are responded, even by the Lord. Provided we sit in solitude, without any preoccupation of our mind i.e. with clear, sincere and unpolluted mind.
The critics and the debaters, like the so-called religious heads of every creed, remain busy in disputing and overcoming each other. And___ they never resort to that very sacred light, which was availed by the Prophets, in their sober solitude.
Concentrating upon the cosmic orders as writings of the Creator, with desirable attention and seriousness, in their own laboratories, the scientists have positively realized the existence of God. And___ by and by, they have also realized, that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. God can not be encompassed by human intellect but God’s nearness can be, definitely, realized without a specific vision by the sincere, devoted and the pious ones.
Intuition is a God’s way of giving knowledge to all thinkers who ponder over the material and immaterial Verses of God.
Answer to this very question that who created god? is latent in the point that how-like is God? What kind of a thing God is? On which system or order or composition, God is based? And___ on what account & foundation, God is God?
God replies, in this regard, in clear words that nothing is alike God. So, no one can say that God is like this or God is like that. Inspite of that if someone says that God is like this thing or that person, then, such a person___ points to a thing___ instead of God because God is not point-able at all. And, being non-point-able, God is not such a system or an ordered organism, which could be apprehended through human intellect.
Human intellect should believe in God in absolute terms___ not in physical terms. Because, God is the Creator of everything, every system, every order, every composition and every organism. God is the Absolute Holy means that God is perfectly free from all of the creaturely limits.
Those who ask that who created God?, are in fact, totally ignorant about God. They do not know that anything, which is grasped by the human intellect, can never be God as nothing is alike God.
To believe God as Nature or Love or Almightiness, is to declare God as a thing. Nature, Love and Almightiness, are God’s created things. They are not God or some parts of God at all.
Saying of a well-known Muslim debater that: “God can not create a God, like God”, is a highly questionable saying. The saying itself tells that the debater already knows that how-like is God. And___ if he does not know and he can never know that how-like is God___ then___ he should positively avoid such sayings. The saying is therefore nothing else but a mirror of sheer ignorance of the debater.
Likewise are those, who say that who created God? This question is an irrational question. Which itself indicates that the interrogators do not know that God is not a thing and nothing is alike God.
God is Limitless, Infinite and Absolute, since ever and God is free from birth & death, instead, God is the Living Creator of birth & death and everything of the universe and its beyond.
The question that who created God? ___ could be a rational question, only in that case, when we are already made awared, of the following two things, through some reliable sources:
1. That God is not One, instead, there are many gods, who themselves have been created, and they also create gods.
2. That the news about the birth of God, would have already been received by us, through an undeniable source.
Without these two-news___ the question can not be treated as a reasonable and a rational question.
As a matter of fact___ since the creation of this universe___ the news of One Alone God, nothing resembles to Whom, have always been in receipt so smoothly and continuously that the Monotheists (believers of One Alone God) can never even imagine some other god. They are predominantly bound to refute all the unreal gods. So, the question that who created God? can, by no means, be held as a rational or a reasonable question.
The bouncers of this question, might have been correct___ if the interrogators had seen any Hindu___ Israelite___ Christian___ Muslim___ or the people of any Scripture___ celebrating some birthday of God. But there is nothing like that at all. All the believers are fully united, on this point that God is since ever and will remain forever.
All the Prophets have always given the news of One Alone God. Who is not created by anyone at all as God is not a demigod, instead, God is the Absolute Holy God.
Universe is the home of countless things___ of different kinds and species___ resembling to each other, as well as, different from each other. These things are not capable to create them by themselves and they have been created by God. So they are openly hinting upon the reality that nothing is alike God. Nor, God is alike some material or immaterial thing. Presence of these things itself, confirms___ the presence of their Creator___ Who is the One Alone God.
The introduction of God, which is written in the book of universe or in the Verses of cosmos, in terms of matter and energy and the law of nature___ is also written in the Bible and the Quran as well.
It is written in the Bible that no one should make any image or imagination of God to worship it. And___ it is written in Quran that nothing is alike God____ Who is the Creator of birth & death.
Cosmic Quran or the Cosmic Gospel or the Verses of the universe___ are also the Words of God. These are duly enriched with numerous branches of social and physical sciences. And___ mankind is grasping them, by the passage of time, in progressive terms. Whereby the belief in these Words of God___ is also increasing, in progressive terms.
A true Muslim (servant) of God says that when human intellect will approach its highest peak of progress, and will become capable-enough, to lay the principles of life. Then___ the most ponder-able reality, will be positively known that the Book of God has been sent by God, for the betterment and benevolence of mankind. And___ thereafter every truth will be identified, in open & positive terms.
Today’s approach of the human intellect to such a rational & scientific calculation that: “No material thing is capable to create it by itself”, is the same stage, about whom, the news have been already recorded afar back.
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”
are the today’s words, which do confirm the truthfulness of the God’s given Scriptures. These words and the God’s given Scriptures, the both, are rationally proving this very fact that:
“Among the piles of things and the universal dictionary___ there is nothing alike God___ and God does exist___ God is not only the Omnipotent but the Absolute Creator and the Real- Doer”.
Teacher of Ram Chander Jee, Bhashisht Jee Maharaj says that no one can stand as an equivalent of Brahm, who is the Alone, and the Unique, and nothing is alike Brahm (God).
Rishi Prasad Jee says that as the space is always existing, before building a house, in place of the house, and it remains existing within and around the house after it’s building and the space remains even after demolishing the house. In the same way Brahm, the Creator of the space, was always existing before the birth of universe, and Brahm will remain existing even after the end of the universe as Brahm is existing at present.
It is written in the Bible that “do not make any image of God because nothing on earth, in heaven, or in the waters, under the earth is alike God”.
And, it is written in Quran that “nothing is alike God and God sees and hears”.
If the scientists of the day, do not believe in that God who is being believed in the temples & churches, in terms of things & persons. Then___ the reason behind this non-belief of scientists, is that very truth___ which is not understood by the professional leaders of the temples and churches. Who are declaring God (the Absolute Alone, the Beyond of human intellect) in terms of things, idols and persons___ easily perceivable by the human intellect.
Refusal of the God of professional and commercial religious leaders, is very much present, even in the Verses of the Scriptures, which are saying that nothing is alike God.
Refusal of the Real God, the One Alone God ___ can be positively avoided___ provided one goes through the following two contradictory statements___ consciously:
1. Bible says that:
“The Lord alone is God
God alone is our defence”.
(Psalms 18:31)
God alone is our defence”.
(Psalms 18:31)
This Verse means: God is one Alone God.
2. And___ John says that:
“No one has ever seen God,
the only son who is the same as God”.
(John 1:18)
the only son who is the same as God”.
(John 1:18)
It means: God is not One & Alone but son of God is also a god with God.
No one asks from the Church that if nothing is alike God then how Jesus can be alike God. And if God is All-Alone, then, how God can be a father when a father never remains all-alone as he becomes father, only after his marriage & the birth of his children.
How God can be All Alone and a father at the same time. God is free from every sort of resemblance and likeness. So to call God a father is to declare God as a commonplace creature.
Jesus has always pronounced him as the “Son of Man” as it is evident from the major portions of the Gospels. So it is nothing else but the John-made lie that Jesus is the Son of God. John has, as such, replaced the statement of Jesus by his own statement.
The words of John are the words of John. They are not the words of Jesus. Nor they are the words of God. God has already said:
“I___ and I Alone___ am God
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
By declaring God as father, the Church and the followers of the Church, have declared the Creator as creature. That is the questionable situation of the present Christianity.
If someone says that God is not a father and does not keep any holy family, instead, God is One & Alone and nothing is alike God. Then, the Church does not own such a person.
In short the images and imaginations of God, the both, are present in the Church. Whereas God has already declared such an act as an act of hatred & enmity against God.
Behind the word of father, is an imagination of God, and Jesus is being painted as an image of God, by the Church, and such a practice is prevailing, for the last two thousand years.
According to the God’s Commandment, we can not imagine God in terms of a thing or a person. Nor we can paint God in terms of a father or a man. No sketch of the God can be made as nothing is alike God.
The Scriptures tell that God is the Sole Ordainer of every order. And___ to denounce God as Nature, Love, Time, Knowledge, Spirit, Almightiness etc. has been declared by God as a tremendous & unpardonable injustice.
God is the All-alone God. God is neither a thing nor a person. If there had been some order or composition of God, or a state or stature of God___ then we would have, definitely, apprehended and encompassed God through our intellect. And___ we would have not declared God as Supernatural and Superphysical or Beyond of human intellect.
There might have been a way to reach the creator of God, provided, we had been already well-awared that how-like is God. What is God’s organic order and composition? And___ we had been already awared that God is not Beyond of human intellect. In such a case, we must have approached the creator of God through intellect-based analysis of the organic order and composition of God.
But, as the first & the foremost point, of the Prophets preaching, has been this very unique verdict alone. That “nothing is alike God” and God is free from every sort of order & composition and the state & stature. And God has warned, on the Mount of Sinai, that no one should dare to develop God’s image or imagination, by hand or by his intellect. So, the believers of One Alone God should remain well informed of the Real Belief.
1. God is not a someone’s created god or a state or a stature or a person or a thing, instead God is an Absolute Creator.
2. God is the Creator of every system, state, stature, person & thing and nothing is alike God.
3. God is Supreme & Beyond of human intellect.
4. God is since ever and will remain forever.
5. God is the Creator of the cosmos and Ordainer of the Almightiness, Knowledge and the other Attributes.
6. God is the All-Alone Guardian of cosmic system, at all places, and at all times.
7. God is Infinite and Ever-Dominant over everything and everything is helpless and submissive before God.
8. God must be believed, in the same way, as God has commanded to believe.
9. None of the persons or things____ is God’s partner and God is the One Alone God. (Usage of the word “One” for God means, that no god is beside God. It does not mean that God is limited as “one” in terms of Mathematics).
10. God is Alone and the Beyond of everything. God is not some whole of certain components. Everything is creature and God is the Absolute Holy Creator of everything.
All of the human beings who claimed themselves as Prophets or Messengers of God___ they have always introduced God as the All-Alone God. The world has never been empty of such human beings, who had not been speaking of God____ the All-Alone God.
God has always been believed as One Alone God in every country and in every age. Prophets have preached about the All-Alone God. None of them has ever talked of duplicate or triplicate gods, or of a total or a whole of many gods, or of a man-god or of demigod, or of a creaturely-god.
Jesus (PBUH) said:
“No one is good except God alone”
(Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
(Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
And___ Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“There is no god save Allah”
(Al-Quran 37:35)
(Al-Quran 37:35)
And___ God said on the Mount of Sinai:
“I ___ and I Alone____ am God
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
If there had been some other god, or some creator of God, or some partner of God___ then___ the news of such a God would have been brought to us by someone. But the situation has never been like that, at all.
The Message of Monotheism alone has been repeated again and again, which is an undeniable proof of the fact, that there is no god but the One Alone God. God is our Lord and theCreator of the WHOLE but God is not a WHOLE or a component of the WHOLE___, which could be discovered by human intellect.
If to touch God through intellect___ had been a positive and a regular action___ then___ the question of “who created god”? would have been a reasonable question. But the situation has never been like that as nothing is alike God. God has always been believed as Supernatural and Super-Physical and Beyond of human intellect.
Those who believe in creaturely god and declare God as a whole___ as a father___ as a thing___ as a worshipper___ as a conjugal lover___ as a power of time___ as a living age___ as a person___ as an image or imagination___ and worship the same. They can, of course, tell that who created God or who is the creator of their creaturely God?
But if, even these people, did declare the question, as an unreasonable and absurd question___ then___ all of the people, must clear their minds, from such type of questions and notions. By and by they must clear, all of the places of worship, from the idols and images of God. And___ they must immediately stop, their malpractice of introducing God, in creaturely terms, as the practice has already been declared, as hatred and enmity against God, not by some Prophet, but by the Lord, our God on the mount of Sinai:
“I, ____ and I Alone,___ am God:
No other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
And no one can oppose what I do”.
No other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
And no one can oppose what I do”.
(Deut 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me.
Do not make for yourselves images of
anything in heaven or on earth or in the water
under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol
or worship it, because I am the Lord your God
I tolerate no rivals”.
Do not make for yourselves images of
anything in heaven or on earth or in the water
under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol
or worship it, because I am the Lord your God
I tolerate no rivals”.
(Bible, Exodus 20:3, 4, 5)
If there had been a Creator
of God…
1. If there had been a creator-god of God___ then___ creator-god would have been more powerful than God or the created-god. And___ that God would have not tolerated the supremacy of the created-god that the whole mankind and the other creatures___ should cherish the hymns and praises of the created-god.
But, as the chain of hymns and praises of God, is going on without interruption, it means that God is not a created-god. Instead, God is the One Alone God and the All-Alone Creator of every thing.
2. If there had been a creator of God, then, that God would have destroyed this very universe, on account of the increasing differences, with the God of this universe. And___ as a consequence of the battle between the both___ the earth and the heavens would have been passed away completely. Or___ at least, some cold war and preparations for the decisive war___ would have been in progress or at some stage.
Consequently the music like smoothness and peace-order of this universe would have been disturbed and the circle of life & death would have become, extraordinarily, complicated and incompatible.
But as the cosmic system is going on smoothly, without any external assault___ so ___ it is quite clear, that the Ruler of this universe is All-Alone.
3. There are so many tokens and signs in human world, which do lead to the fact that there is no bigger-god or a creator-god of God.
To run the system of every walk of life smoothly, there is always one responsible leader, who maintains the system intact. But whenever two or three leaders are made, the system is altogether disturbed. So the natural order, of the various circles of life, tells that God of the worlds in One Alone God.
4. If there had been a creator of God, then, the Prophets of God or the created-god, would have given some news of the bigger-god or the creator-god as well. And___ there was every possibility that they would have quitted the preaching of the created-god on account of unbearable pressure of the bigger-god or the creator-god. Or___ they would have slipped to the bigger-god or the creator-god so as to get rid of every pressure.
Or___ some Prophets of the bigger-god, or the creator-god, would have also come to tell that the God of universe is an inferior god or God is an offspring of the bigger-god or the superior-god. But as the Prophets have never demonstrated any of the aforementioned gestures, hence, there is no god but God, the Absolute, Who is the All-Alone Ruler of the universe and its beyond.
5. God calls us to praise, to honour and to serve God alone. God does not allow praising, honouring and serving someone else. God gives the news of hell to those, who praise, honour and serve someone else, instead of God.
In the same way, the bigger-god or the creator-god must have called for his praise, his honour and his service alone. Or___ at least, the bigger god would have announced some proportionate method, announcing some latitude that the mankind and the other creatures are allowed to praise, honour and serve their God, but, by and by, they should not forget the bigger-god or the creator-god. Nor, they should consider the bigger-god or the creator-god, as an inferior god, otherwise, they will be doomed to a bigger curse and a bigger torment. But as the situation has never been like that___ hence___ there is no god but the One Alone God.
6. If there had been a bigger-god or creator-god___ then___ God would have not declared that God Alone is the Lord of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the Prophets. Instead, God would have declared that God is not All-Alone, instead, God is the servant of the bigger-god or the creator-god. But the situation has never been like that, hence, there is no god but God, the One Alone Lord.
7. Everyone is one___ on account of his oneness___ and oneness of each one___ is a reality of an alive being. If the concept of our oneness___ had been more than that of the one concept___ then there would have been the possibility of more gods. But as the situation is not like that since inception___ so there is no god but God___ the One Alone Lord.
8. If there had been a creator-god or the bigger-god, then, God or the created-god, would have not declared that:
“I___ and I alone___ am God
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
No other god is real”
(Deut. 32:39)
“There is no god but Allah (the One Alone God)”
(Al-Quran 37:35)
(Al-Quran 37:35)
And___ after such a statement, the creator-god or the bigger-god must have killed the created-god because created god had humiliated the bigger-god or creator-god by denouncing the creator god as an unreal god. Where-after no one would have been left on the earth to say that:
“There is no god but God (the One Alone Lord)”.
There is no god but God___ the One Alone Lord. Who is the All-Alone Creator of the universe and everything therein. God is Supernatural and Superphysical and Beyond of human intellect. God is not a creature, nor a thing, nor a person nor a sign and nothing is alike God. Nor anything can ever become alike God as God is the Absolute Holy.
Ruins of the declined civilizations and Pharaoh’s-Empire___ do tell us that denial and disobedience of the One Alone God___ is nothing else but an open invitation to the curse and destruction. Whereas the belief in One Alone God is the positive correction of one’s affairs of the world and the Hereafter. Victory of Moses over Pharaoh is enough as a proof of the existence of One Alone God and God’s unshared power.
The One, who created the attributes of creativity and the process of creation before Beginning is rightfully, deserves to be called as God of all creatures.
The One, Who ordained the steps and stages of the Process of Creation, including the organic order & composition of the creatures and___ made the energy as an energy and formed the matter with energy and___ demonstrated the Will in such a way that the Will has become a universe of rules and regulations___ doubtlessly___ has every right to be called and accepted as the Real and the Absolute Living GOD.
To know that who is the creator of God___ a simple way is this___ that we should try to know at first, that who is the creator of creativity?
Whosoever has created and ordained creativity, is the Real Creator. And now, when God, has already told that there is no creator except God and God alone, is the Creator of everything and Ordainer of every order. Then, we have no alternative but to accept and believe God as the Absolute Creator in terms of the preachings of Prophets.
Who is the creator of God? Perfect answer to this question, is given in the following compound sentence, in the form of another question___ a magnificent question:
If God is the Creator of creativity and the process of creation, the both, then how can be there any possibility of God’s creator?
And____ the same sentence is the most convincing, and the most rational argument, of the God-hood of God. The sentence penetrates in our minds and hearts, and we become positively convinced, that God is really existing as the One Alone God, and the One Alone Creator.
The real belief in the One Alone Lord is like that:-
- God must be believed as the One Alone Lord. By and by, firm refusal of the people-made unreal gods, is essential.
- No person or thing should be treated as a “likeness” or a “similitude” of God, the One Alone Lord.
- We should submit ourselves unconditionally to every Commandment of God, and the life should be managed, exactly, in accordance with God’s Will and God’s Commandments to avail God’s blessings.
- The Day of Judgement should be believed, which is ordained by God for the judgement of human deeds and which is, certainly, not too far to approach.
- To ensure the acceptance of God, we must adopt those ways, which have been prescribed by God and God’s Prophets. And___ this temporary life should be lead as a temporary life.
Why committing suicide is not permitted in Islam? While whosoever kills him or her self, does no harm to anyone else. And if he or she fails to attempt suicide then the law takes him or her for punishment. What do you think? A deprived one has no right, even, to commit suicide?
“It is not the Islam alone which does not permit killing of oneself but in all God’s taught religions committing suicide is a sin and is not permitted. And the reason is this, that whosoever commits it, he practically announces that he does not believe in the power of blessfulness of the Lord. Mostly disappointed ones try to commit it and think that no one can change their circumstances. As such they do not know that God Almighty can change all sort of circumstances. God can change the fate and the fatal and can bless anything at anytime.
In all the God’s taught religions, One is not permitted to commit suicide. Instead one is commanded to pray for blessing and refuge in God and when one prays. Our Lord Almighty helps and shows the miraculous power. Our Lord can do anything so those who think that even God can not help, they are open non-believers. Our Lord, the Alone God is kind to the creatures and when someone prays, worships or asks for help or blessing, God positively blesses and helps. Therefore, all the distressed ones must seek the forgiveness of their sins from God and must ask for help and blessings from God alone.
Our Lord is honour-able and to honour God, is to believe in God’s Almightiness. According to God, those who do not consider God, the Almighty, they are non-believers of God.
As a matter of fact, the distressed ones are those who are the people of lust. Desires overcome them totally and make them sick up to such an extent that they start thinking about suicide. They dream nothing but this perishable world and its exhibited exposure of pleasures. Every thing around them makes them sick and they consider the act of suicide as an act of salvation. But they do not know that this world is created by their Lord, not to last forever. Instead it is all-in-all perishable and one day; it will come to an end definitely.
These people, in fact, do not believe in God. Instead, they believe in their own nature. Instead of commandments, they follow their own rules and ambitions. Therefore, they become an easy prey of manifold sickness and instead of living and leading the life, they start thinking about suicide.
Some commit suicide due to repeated failure, some due to overwhelming sickness and some due to rejection of love. In all cases, however, suiciders think about one and the same thing that there is no one to help them and change their circumstances.
They also do not believe that their Lord can help them, even, on the edge. Hardly these people understand the meanings of life and its subject. These people do not know that this life is a challenge, which should be accepted with courage. Life, of course, is a challenge and this challenge is made to win, not to lose. Act of killing oneself is an act of cowardliness, not of bravery. Brave people keep on fighting this challenge constantly.
One should seriously think in this matter that why the circumstances slide to the wrong track. Who changes their route and who can re-change and redirect the circumstances to the right track.
One should positively understand that:
1. There are the people in this world, which never fell into problems.
2. There are the people in this world, which remain usually unblessed. Those who remain unblessed are the people who do not believe in the powers of God in accordance with the Commandments. They have many gods instead of the One God, the Alone Lord. Those who believe in One Lord, the Alone God, are always blessed by God and that is clearly mentioned in “Torah”, the Book of Moses.
Believers of the One Lord are always blessed and the believers of many gods, other than the Lord, ultimately, fell into the problems having no solutions. Lord says: “that is the reward of the people who worship gods, other than Me”.
According to the law of Lord, all the sinners are apt to face hard circumstances. Whenever the doom of God comes, it remains as it is and no one can change its nature.
According to the law of all the religions, Our God tests the believers-faith through difficult circumstances and after the test whosoever remains sincere with his or her Lord, he or she is blessed. Where-after the blessed believers become more powerful in faith and whenever, the hard sort of circumstances encircles them, they pray hard. Arrival of problems is considered by them as a call of worship. Believers correct themselves according to the law of the Lord and stop all kinds of sins to have refuge in Lord. They continuously pray their Lord and ask for help and rescue. Our Lord is kind and Lord, precisely, helps the believers.
No one can deny this fact that if the Lord had not created the troubles, one could have never remember the Lord through worship or other means. God is the Protecting Friend of each one of us. God always helps and saves.
Belief in God, the Alone Lord, is the key to success. God is the Alone Saviour and beside God there is no friend and saviour at all. Those who believe in various gods rather than the Lord, our Alone God, are left in disaster by God. Such people who believe in demi-gods, they suffer and remain in sufferings. Therefore, one should believe in One and the Alone God and must avoid believing in gods, other than God. God said on the mount of Sinai that:
“I ____ and I alone______ am God
No other god is real”.
(Deut 32:39)
No other god is real”.
(Deut 32:39)
there are the people who take refuge in others, rather than the Lord.
There are the people who beg blessings from the others, rather than the Lord.
There are the people who act according to law of others, rather than the commandments of the Lord.
There are the people who love others, more than the Lord.
There are the people who consider others, equal to God.
And there are the people who pray to others, rather than the Lord, our Alone God.
According to the Ten Commandments, all such people are enemies of God and God will take revenge from them, here in this world and there, on the Day of Judgement.
Friendship of God___ is to serve God and to obey God’s Commandments___ and to pray God and to beg each and every thing___ directly from God___ and to ask forgiveness of sins from God alone.
Greatest success in this world is to consider the Almighty Lord as the One and the Alone Defender.
Whosoever hates the gods of the people around him and believes in God alone, is God’s true lover and a righteous person.
Jesus said,
“Praise God
Honour God
Worship God”.
(Psalm 22:23)
Honour God
Worship God”.
(Psalm 22:23)
“No one is good but the God Alone”.
Jesus also prayed for the believers of One God in these words:
“May they (the believers of Alone God) prosper for ever”.
(Psalm 22:26)
(Psalm 22:26)
Making a god with or beside the Alone God is an invitation to disaster and doom and also equal to SUICIDE.
Reason of banning suicide, according to the Scriptures, unveils the hidden facts. When God created the man, God blessed him spirit and made his well-designed body with clay and water. Even today every one possesses three different things, body, spirit and self.
1. Body:- God made the body a performing machine to act according to the demands of self. It eats, wears, drinks, smells, tastes, sees, hears, touches and uses the universe. This thing works as a base of needs and demands. Though it seems different from other animals but it is not different at all. Its design is different but its nature is actually the same.
2. Spirit:- God created it as an acting power. It is a Commandment and Will of our Lord and we use it for a little time (the life span) in space. Since it totally belongs to God, so we are answerable of its use. It is a guiding-light and our conscious-energy. All the things around us including angels and demons may effect it through suggestions and as a result we may move in right or wrong direction. It is not God because nothing can effect God and determine God’s mood. God is Holy and the Creator of all the things, which we can name. Spirits are sometimes, God guided and sometimes, demon guided and only God guided spirits are pious-ones and demon guided spirits are all-in-all evil.
3. Self:- Self is the real being, fully equipped with the power of decisions. Self is the real man or woman, a sort of guest in the house of spirit and body. Self is a third dimension of our existence. Spirit makes the body move and all acts happen according to the decisions made by the self.
Our life is a gesture of these three things in our existence and we are passing through time.
Our universe/cosmos is a living story book and our’s selvesare it’s characters. Particles of the body of universe, are alphabets and things in it are words, in physical and metaphysical form the words of God. Cosmos is a spirit of the body of universe, which runs it and makes it meaningful.
The universe/cosmos is a book of God for our reading.
Above that Moral State is a law of God (Not God) over universe/cosmos___ to award the right and wrong___ done by the creatures.
Our’s selves are free beings to act freely. We may act according to the Commandments of God or we may follow our own way. Results of the both are predominantly different. Servants of God are blessed but followers of Demon are cursed. And both of the types of acts are being precisely recorded, on the most sensitive tape of cosmos and in the book of universe, for the ultimate judgement.
We own nothing but our free Selves, which are conscious-beings, belonging to the moral state. Spirits are immaterial things, belonging to the cosmos. And, Bodies are material things, belonging to the universe.
All attentions appear in our Selves and our acts are the expressions of our Selves. And our Selves are answerable to God for each and every act. If the acts are done according to the God’s Commandments, they are known as right and good deeds. And, if the acts are done according to the suggestions of Satan, then, they are known as wrong and evil deeds or sins. Good deeds lead us to prosperity and Heaven and evil deeds lead us to the doom and Hell.
Such a situation is under operation in the moral state.
Spirit and Body, the both are great gifts of our Lord blessed to our Self.
Now think yourself!
If I ask you, “From where have you got this body? Does it belong to you?
What will be your answer? If you say, “It belongs to me and I have got it from this world”___ Then I shall ask you, “To whom you paid its price and for how much you purchased it?
You will start thinking and will positively understand what I wanted to let you know. You will realize that it is a gifted thing and your Creator has blessed it to you. It is nothing but a great, beautiful and precious gift of your Almighty Lord.
Ponder over this assumption. Suppose, you like someone and want to show your love to him or her. In such a situation, you will buy a thing and will give it to him or her as a gift as you know that through this way you can express your love. If he or she accepts it and gives honour to your gift and pays thanks; what will be your feelings? You will definitely feel a great joy and will become his or her friend. And, if he or she not only rejects your gift but also throws it down in the dust and smashes it or kicks it with his or her foot; what will be your feelings?
Now I hope, you can understand in a better way that when someone commits or attempts suicide, he or she smashes and ruins the gifts of his or her loving Lord, Therefore, the Lord does not like such an act and curses the suiciders. Anger of the Lord is expressed in the Law of banning suicide in all of the religions.
In fact, killing of one’s ownself is equal to the killing of someone else while every soul is a precious creation of the Lord. Such people, who commit suicide or kill others, are evildoers. Both are criminals, in the sight of our Lord and deserve punishment.
Purpose of life is the worship of the Lord alone. This life is nothing but a test of obedience to the Alone Lord.
Each and every thing is perishable of our present life. As compared to the eternal life, this life is a dream like reality and life in Heaven is not perishable but that is the real life.
In this worldly life, our death is with us on each and every step while the eternal life is without an end. Everyone will either rejoice due to good deeds or will face torture due to evil deeds forever.
Ram Chander Jee said, “Whosoever has taken birth, will face death”. He was right to say so because each and every Book of our Lord tells this truth in open words. It is repeatedly announced in all the Books that each and every one will taste death and this universe will come to an end for another beginning.
Only the Creator of life and death, is forever.
Life with death, can never be considered as a real life. It is, of course, similar to real life. People of wisdom do understand its temporal nature. It looks like a child’s play but its not a child’s play. It is a mean of test, so one should remain sincere to the Lord and live and fight with patience for the eternal life constantly. One should serve his or her Lord whole-heartedly and establish his or her love for the Lord alone.
Death can come at anytime in this temporal life and when the moment of death reaches it, makes it finished. We leave each and every thing and move to the destined destination, empty-handed and empty-minded. Nothing remains important and the death itself reveals the answers of all the questions, which we can not, perhaps, understand during the lifetime. It opens up the eyes of each and every one. It is the moment of death, alone which lets us know the importance of belief. Death releases our self and takes away the spirit and body in the same way as it normally happens in our dreams.
In a dream, Spirit and Body remain apart and only our Selfsees and feels every thing. We hear without ears and see without eyes and when we die in a dream, our eyes open here, in this world.
The same thing happens when someone dies here; in this world, his or her eyes open in the eternal life and one can not come back to this life to let the others know about the process of death as a dream-awaken can not go back to the dream.
After death or suicide body becomes like a closed door which spiritless-self can not open to feel and see this world and self becomes world-less or body-less to be called dead.
Suicide is not an end of everything. It is simply the beginning of next life without a further chance to do a good or a bad deed. Death, in fact, is an end of this life and beginning of the next life, which will be the result of the deeds, done here. One must know this very fact comprehensively.
Nothing will go along, with the dead but his good or bad deeds for Judgement. This life is a way to the next life. It is not our destination. Since, the believers know this thing through faith, so they are not scared of death. Instead they are scared of the anger of their Lord and do good deeds. The believers are brave due to their belief and the non-believers are coward due to the lack of knowledge and belief.
Only such people, who do not know the reality of this life, try to commit suicide and think that this will be an end of their sickness. Whereas, suicide is not an end of any sickness but it is the beginning of doom. Whosoever kills himself, he walks out of the test and such a person is declared failed and doomed to Hell.
Reality of the law, on which nature survives, is revealed in our nature. Even the most beautiful thing which we achieve, start boring us by the passage of time and what is to say about the boring things. Our life is not meant to waste in the pursuits of worldly things but it is an open test and is a preparation plan of the eternal life. One will sow here and will cut there in the next life.
At last, God shows mercy to mankind and says in revelation that if someone will not believe in the gods, beside the Alone Lord, the Lord will show mercy to such one and will forgive his or her sins.
“Lo! Allah (The Alone Lord) forgives not that a partner should be ascribed unto Allah. Allah forgives (all) save that to whom Allah will. Whose ascribes partners to Allah (The Alone Lord), has wandered far astray”.
(Quran 4:116)
(Quran 4:116)
This promise takes our attention to these words of Torah.
“I ___and I alone___ am God
no other god is real”.
(Bible, Deut 32:39)
no other god is real”.
(Bible, Deut 32:39)
Therefore, one should not believe in three or many gods, instead, one should believe in only One and Alone Unseen God. One should not consider this world or universe as a god as pantheists consider “Every thing is god and god is every thing”. Whereas, God has already clearly mentioned in Torah that nothing resembles to God. Please read this text carefully:
“Worship no god but Me. Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol (image) or worship it, because I am the Lord your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation”.
(Bible, Exodus 20:3, 4, 5)
(Bible, Exodus 20:3, 4, 5)
Therefore, one should simply believe in One Alone Lord and understand that nothing resembles to the Lord and Lord is theUNSEEN.
This faith will serve as a key to the heaven.
On the day of the Lord, there will be two kinds of people:
1. The blessed believers.
2. The doomed non-believers.
2. The doomed non-believers.
According to our Lord, Polytheism and Pantheism, both of the beliefs are equal to Atheism.
There are three kinds of people, living under the heaven and these kinds are as below:
1. Those who are Polytheists & Pantheists and believe in more than One God or believe that God is before their eyes in the form of universe. Apparently these people seem blessed as they are enjoying a luxurious life. These people face only minor problems during life but they face sever doom near death.
2. Those who are polytheists or pantheists and are leading hard life, full of difficulties and problems.
3. People of the Lord, who remain thankful to their Lord in all sort of circumstances and are always obedient to their Lord.
These three kinds are explained here:
1.“Prosperous Polytheists and Pantheists”.
Many in this world are those who believe in gods, demigods, things, angels, signs, pictures, prints, animals and demons, instead of God. Such people beg for help and blessings from things and persons, instead of God and do not know that through this act they commit the crime of making false gods. These people think that persons and things can cause profit or loss to them and due to ignorance they do not know this fact that only One Alone Almighty God can cause profit or loss and no one, other than God, can cause any profit or any loss at all.
Many in this world are those who believe in gods, demigods, things, angels, signs, pictures, prints, animals and demons, instead of God. Such people beg for help and blessings from things and persons, instead of God and do not know that through this act they commit the crime of making false gods. These people think that persons and things can cause profit or loss to them and due to ignorance they do not know this fact that only One Alone Almighty God can cause profit or loss and no one, other than God, can cause any profit or any loss at all.
God Almighty seems very kind to these people but in fact God has forsaken them as they have forsaken God. They are enjoying their lives and do not bother to ponder over the revealed facts to correct their faith and life style.
The Scripture says: when these people will face the Lord on the Day of Judgement, the Lord will command to throw such people in Hell due to their tremendous sins. They have enjoyed enough in the world and ignored the remembrance of their Lord and followed the footsteps of Demon.
Scripture also says that one should not spend himself for the sake of this world, instead one should try hard to achieve the eternal life. Rejoice of the eternal life is many time larger than the pleasures of this world. And one cannot achieve the eternal life without following the Commandments and believing in One God alone. Of course this perishable world is a joy of little time, as far as the preaching is concerned it is enough to state that this life ends with death, and it is not everlasting.
2. Failure Sick Polytheists and Pantheists.
Many people of this world believe that men or women, achieve the powers of God, through hard worship and become God’s partners or friends and can solve the problems of others, through the achieved spiritual power. They also think that God does not reject whatsoever they demand from God. Therefore, the people, themselves, can become the saviours or the authoritative blessers.
Many people of this world believe that men or women, achieve the powers of God, through hard worship and become God’s partners or friends and can solve the problems of others, through the achieved spiritual power. They also think that God does not reject whatsoever they demand from God. Therefore, the people, themselves, can become the saviours or the authoritative blessers.
This sort of belief is openly condemned by the Lord. According to the Lord, everyone is special to Lord and whosoever takes care of the Lord’s Commandments, Lord, in turn, takes care of him or her. Therefore, everyone must seek God’s blessings through obedience and adherence to God directly.
Meanings of the word “God”
It is clearly mentioned, “no one shares the powers of God”.That is why God commanded in “Torah”.
“Worship no god but Me”.
“No god” means no one can cause profit or loss and “but Me” means only One and Alone God who blesses or punishes.
And, worship means begging for the help and blessings. A worshipper is a servant who serves his own cause and prays to achieve certain goal. If someone considers a thing or a person as a profit or loss causing entity, instead of God. Then, it clearly means that he or she considers that thing or person as god. And, this very act is considered by God, as “making of an unreal god”.
That is why that God does not tolerate such evil-doers and curses them. God is our All Alone Lord and God Alone is our Helper, Saviour and Blesser.
Since many Polytheists or Pantheists think that they should not call the God directly. Instead, they must seek help from the people, who are partners or friends of God. So, they remain unblessed. God blesses only those who call God directly and do not make gods beside God.
God says:
“Surely pure worship is for Allah (God) only and those who choose protecting friends beside God (they say): We worship them only that they may bring us near unto Allah. Lo! Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Lo! Allah guides not him who is a liar and ingrate”.
(Al-Quran 39:3)
(Al-Quran 39:3)
These Polytheists & Pantheists remain in troubles and keep on searching for the so-called proper person or a thing, which could bless them or ask the God to bless them. God does not bless them in order to make them realize that the God alone is the Real Helper and Blesser, Who should be called by them directly. As such God wants them to purify their faith and rectify their belief. Consequently, sometimes they realize the fact and start calling their Lord directly and become real believers.
Those who call the Lord directly____ Lord shows them the way. The Lord even shows the way to those who do not call the Lord directly. But they always turn their faces from the Lord and keep on calling and begging from their self-evolved partners and friends of God. Ultimately, the Lord fulfils their desires where-after they think that their self-evolved god-like-friends, have blessed them. Such a situation confirms their false belief and that is the curse of God.
Of course, failure sick people listen to all sorts of preachers carefully and sometimes when God gives them guidance through the proper preachers, they rectify their faith in God and establish pure worship.
Blessed are those who have soft hearts and on soft hearts preaching effects very well. They are not like prosperous polytheists or pantheists who mock over the Verses and pull their faces to the preachers. God raises God’s people from this class which possess soft hearts and mild natures.
3. The Believers:-
Real believers are very few in this world. These people strictly believe in One Alone God and observe God’s Commandments. This class never trusts persons or things, instead, they trust the Lord Alone and beg blessings from God alone. Such people love the Lord alone and pay all sorts of tribute to God alone.
Real believers are very few in this world. These people strictly believe in One Alone God and observe God’s Commandments. This class never trusts persons or things, instead, they trust the Lord Alone and beg blessings from God alone. Such people love the Lord alone and pay all sorts of tribute to God alone.
These people praise, honour and worship their Lord and they always keep their eyes open. They act upon the Commandments and worship hard and follow the footsteps of Prophets instead of Demon. On the Day of Judgement, they will enter into the gardens of Paradise and will live therein forever, just because they did not accept any god, other than the Alone Lord and submitted themselves before God with full submission.
Pantheism or Polytheism is equal to Atheism. And the faith in Alone Lord as a Helper & Saviour will serve as a key of success to open the doors of Heaven on the Day of Judgement.
God loves those who love God
blesses those who trust God
believe in God according to
God’s Commandments alone.
blesses those who trust God
believe in God according to
God’s Commandments alone.
Q. There are the religions, which permit suicide under certain realization. What God says about such religions?
A. There are many religions under the heaven, which are not God-taught. Instead, they are Satan-taught or the self assumed religions. Under these religions, individuals and groups commit suicide in the name of certain realization and call their act of suicide as a holy act.
The so-called spiritual leaders of these religions, who advise such an act, are nothing else but Demons in human guises. For the act of suicide, itself is a satanic act___ done in total adherence to Satan____ on account of total ignorance and blindness.
Jesus has rightly advised that:
“When one blind man leads another, both fall into a ditch”.
(Matthew 15:14)
(Matthew 15:14)
God has blessed us this life to lead___ not to loose it___ by committing suicide or the likewise acts. God has advised us to lead a secured life in the world as well as in Hereafter, by virtue of following God’s Commandments.
Our life firstly belongs to God because God blessed it to us and secondly it belongs to us because we lead it.
Beware please! Do not even listen to such disciples of Satan, who work for Satan and lead the ignorant people to disaster and Hell.
Since life is a blessing of God, therefore, we should spend it, in God’s way.
Q. What was the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
A. The mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to establish pure worship of the One and the Alone God, Allah, Our Lord.
Our Lord says in Quran:
“And thus have I inspired in you (O’ Muhammad) a spirit of My command. You knew neither what the Scripture was, nor what the Faith was? But I have made it a light whereby I guide whom I will of My bondsmen. And Lo! You verily do guide unto the right path.
The path of Allah (One and Alone Lord) unto Whom belongs whatsoever is in the heaven and whatsoever is in the earth. Do not all matters reach Allah (The One and Alone Lord) at last”?
(Quran 42:52, 53)
(Quran 42:52, 53)
Q. What kind of people will enter into Paradise?
A. All those who believe in Alone God and obey God’s Commandments.
God belongs to all people and no one is special in God’s sight. God loves those who love God.
Love of the people is to obey God’s laws and God’s love is seen in God’s blessings.
“God will bless every one who honours God,
the great and the small alike”.
(Psalms 115:13)
the great and the small alike”.
(Psalms 115:13)
“Lo! Those who believe and those who are Jews, and Sabaeans and Christians; whosoever believes in (One Alone) God and the day of Judgement and does right___ there shall no fear come upon them, neither shall they grieve.”
(Quran Chapter 5:69)
“Lo! God pardons not that partners should be ascribed unto God. God pardons all save that to whom God wills. Whoso ascribed partners unto God, has wandered far astray”.
(Quran Chapter 4:116)
Q. Is One and Alone God mentioned in the Book of Psalms?
A. Yes, Book of Psalms is fully relating the Message of Monotheism. It says:
“All the nations that You have created
will come and bow down to You:
They will praise Your Greatness.
You are Mighty and do wonderful things;
You Alone are God”.
(Psalms 86:9, 10)
will come and bow down to You:
They will praise Your Greatness.
You are Mighty and do wonderful things;
You Alone are God”.
(Psalms 86:9, 10)
Q. What Jesus says about Alone God?
A. Jesus said:
“No one is good except the God alone”.
(Luke 18:19)
(Luke 18:19)
“Go away, Satan! The Scripture says:
Worship the Lord your God and serve only God”.
(Matthew 4:10)
Worship the Lord your God and serve only God”.
(Matthew 4:10)
Q. What is Trinity? Is Trinity mentioned in the Old Testament? If not then why Christians believe in it?
A. “Three persons of the God head” are known as Trinity and this concept is not mentioned in the Old Testament. Adam to Elijah, all the Prophets believed in the One and the Alone Lord. Christians have invented this concept to make Jesus, Son God and the Saviour.
It is a Satanic custom among the people of Scripture to glorify their Prophets and to make distinction between the Messengers of God.
“Trinity is nothing but a Satan taught concept of three gods”.
Please do read the following topics to understand this very fact:
1. Vivid proof of Satan’s Activity.
2. Disciples of Jesus and Satan.
3. “I never knew you”.
4. Prediction of the revival of Jesus
2. Disciples of Jesus and Satan.
3. “I never knew you”.
4. Prediction of the revival of Jesus
Q. Did Jesus preach the notion of Trinity on the hill of Galilee?
A. No, Jesus never preached Trinity. It was none else but the Demon who appeared on the hill of Galilee in the guise of Jesus and preached Trinity.
Demon gave the idea of Trinity to the Disciples of Jesus on the hill of Galilee after the ascension of Jesus. Disciples were easily deceived by the Demon because they had forgotten the message of God, which was given to all nations on the mount of Sinai, where God said:
“I____ and I Alone____ am God
No other god is real”.
(Deut 32:39)
No other god is real”.
(Deut 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me”
(Exodus 20:3rd Commandment)
(Exodus 20:3rd Commandment)
And, the Disciples also forgot the warning of Jesus, which he gave before his ascension.
Disciples worshipped Satan and took him as a god beside the Alone God. Jesus never taught his people that he was a god with the Alone Almighty God. Instead he openly declared that:
“No one is good except the Alone God”.
(Luke 18:19)
(Luke 18:19)
And to Satan he said:
“Go away, Satan! The Scripture says:
worship the Lord your God
and serve only God”.
(Matthew 4:10)
worship the Lord your God
and serve only God”.
(Matthew 4:10)
On the hill of Galilee, it was none else but the Demon because Jesus had already said:
“They are wrong about what is right,
because I am going to the Lord and
you will not see me anymore”.
(John 16:10)
because I am going to the Lord and
you will not see me anymore”.
(John 16:10)
“Jesus said to them, Be on guard, and don’t let anyone deceive you. Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, ‘I am he!’ and they will deceive many people”.
(Mark 13:5:6)
(Mark 13:5:6)
“Then, if any one says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look there he is!’___ do not believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear. They will perform miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God’s chosen people, if possible. Be on your guard! I have told you everything before the time comes”.
(Mark 13:21 to 23)
(Mark 13:21 to 23)
These three references confirm the truth that Jesus was not seen after his ascension and what Disciples saw on the hill of Galilee, was Satan in the guise of Jesus. Who performed wonders and deceived the Disciples of Jesus and taught them the notion of Trinity.
The people, who believe in Trinity, will know the reality on the day of Judgement.
Jesus also said:
“Whoever rejects me and does not accept my message has one who will judge him. The Words I have spoken will be his judge on the Last Day”.
(John 12:48)
(John 12:48)
Q. Did Jesus die on the cross or God saved him?
A. Jesus did not die on the cross but God saved his life from death. Jesus prayed to God and said:
“O Lord, don’t stay away from me!
come quickly to my rescue!
Save me from the sword;
Save my life from these dogs”.
(Psalms 22:19, 20)
come quickly to my rescue!
Save me from the sword;
Save my life from these dogs”.
(Psalms 22:19, 20)
Our Lord, the Almighty God answered him in affirmation and saved his life, Jesus says:
“People not yet born will be told
The Lord saved Lord’s people”.
(Psalms 22:31)
The Lord saved Lord’s people”.
(Psalms 22:31)
Jesus was not alone whom God saved. God also saved the life of another man who was on cross beside Jesus. That is why that Jesus said:
“The Lord saved Lord’s people”.
Luke tells us that Jesus promised to the man on cross beside Jesus and said:
“I promise you that Today you will be in Paradise with me”.
(Luke 23:43)
(Luke 23:43)
Jesus went to Paradise and God saved him and his friend’s life. Think over the words of the Verse:
1. Today
2. With me
2. With me
These are the keywords of the Verse, confirming the salvation of Jesus and his friend, the both.
As Jesus said:
“People not yet born will be told
The Lord saved Lord’s people”
The Lord saved Lord’s people”
God revealed this very fact to Muhammad (Peace be upon Jesus and Muhammad, the both)
So Quran says:
Jesus did not die on cross
“But Allah (The Alone Lord)
raised him (to heaven).
Allah is ever Mighty, Wise”.
raised him (to heaven).
Allah is ever Mighty, Wise”.
(Quran 4:158)
Q. If God ascended Jesus to heaven from the cross then what happened after the Ascension?
A. It was nothing else but an active satanic programme, which happened after Ascension of Jesus from the cross.
One can understand this reality from the saying of Satan who appeared in the guise of Jesus on the hill of Galilee and said:
“I will be with you always
to the end of the age”.
(Matthew 28:20)
to the end of the age”.
(Matthew 28:20)
One must think by himself that why Satan said:
“to the end of the age”
instead of saying
“to the end of the Day of Judgement”.
Since Satan can not help his disciples on the Day of Judgement and end of the age is the end of his trickery, after which, he will be thrown into the Hell. Therefore he, unconsciously, spoke the truth about himself.
If Jesus had been appeared on the hill of Galilee, then, he must have stopped his Disciples to worship him and must have repeated these words:
“The Scripture says: worship the Lord your God and serve only God”.
(Matthew 4:10)
(Matthew 4:10)
He must have also preached the Absolute Oneness and Aloneness of God as he used to preach to his Disciples during his lifetime.
Q. What kind of sin was committed by the Disciples of Jesus after which, Satan succeeded in deceiving and possessing them?
A. Disciples of Jesus betrayed Jesus and left him in trouble and Jesus carried the cross all alone as Matthew says:
“Then all the disciples left him
and ran away”
(Matthew 26:56)
and ran away”
(Matthew 26:56)
Gospels tell us that Jesus said:
“If anyone wants to come with me, he must forget his self, carry his cross and follow me”.
(Mark 8:34)
(Mark 8:34)
“Whoever does not take up his cross and follow in my steps is not fit to be my disciple”.
(Matthew 10:38)
(Matthew 10:38)
Jesus also said:
“I assure you that whoever declares publicly that he belongs to me, the Son of Man will do the same for him before the angels of God. But whoever rejects me publicly, the Son of Man will also reject him before the angels of God”.
(Luke 12 : 8 to 9)
(Luke 12 : 8 to 9)
And, Jesus also said:
“Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away”,
(Luke 21:33)
(Luke 21:33)
Therefore, behaviour of the Disciples was highly questionable as Matthew tells us:
“Then all the Disciples left him
and ran away”
(Matthew 26:56)
and ran away”
(Matthew 26:56)
Situation is obvious that no one carried his cross and no one followed Jesus. No one sacrificed his self due to selfishness and all the Disciples refused to recognize Jesus publicly.
And, as the Disciples betrayed Jesus and committed a tremendous sin, therefore, due to the curse of God, they were deceived and possessed by Satan.
Q. If Jesus was not a saviour then what was he?
A. Jesus was a Prophet and a Prophet is always a Warner from the Lord. Jesus warned his nation in these vigorous words:
“If your hand or your foot makes you lose your faith (and lead to sin), cut it off and throw it away! It is better for you to enter life without a hand or a foot than to keep both hands and both feet and be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye makes you lose your faith (and lead to sin), take it out and throw it away! It is better for you to enter life with only one eye than to keep both eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell”.
(Matthew 18 : 8 to 9)
(Matthew 18 : 8 to 9)
Here it is obvious that Christians are absolutely wrong about the concept of Sin and Saviourism of Jesus. This saying of Jesus (Matthew 18:8 to 9) clearly tells us that:
1. Jesus was a Warner and a Prophet, not a Saviour.
2. The idea of Eternal Forgiveness of the Sins & Saviourism of Jesus, is a Satanic idea.
3. On the hill of Galilee, the person who preached Saviourism of Jesus___ was not Jesus instead, it was Satan in the guise of Jesus who deceived the Disciples.
4. The people who say “God forgives and Jesus saves” and practice homosexuality or a sinful life___ they are not following the teachings of Jesus.
5. There can never be a God-taught-religion___ without banning sins.

The Bible, itself, tells that what kinds of changes were brought therein to mislead the people of Gospels. Torah (the Law of Moses) says that God talked to the nation of Moses on the mount Sinai where God gave the Commandments in
Godly voice.
When the people heard the voice, they did tremble in fear and awe. And, later on, they requested the Lord, not to talk to them, so directly again. Because to bear with the Godly voice, was beyond their tolerance. The Lord, of course, acceded to their request.
God’s Foremost Commandment was about God’s Absolute Aloneness.
God said:-
“Worship no god but Me”.
(Exodus, 20:3)
(Exodus, 20:3)
“I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real.
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
and no one can oppose what I do”.
(Deut. 32:39)
I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,
and no one can oppose what I do”.
(Deut. 32:39)
That was the foremost Commandment, given by the Lord in Godly voice to the nation of Moses. Wherein God mentioned further:-
“Worship Me alone and whosoever will worship the god, other than Me, will be My rival. And, I tolerate no rivals. I will curse the people who will do so”.
God also mentioned to the people___ not to make & worship the images of God. God told them that nothing is alike God in the heaven or on the earth, or under the earth, or in the water.
It simply meant that God is not like anything at all and a thing or a creature can never be considered as God.
The Bible also tells us that God is Omnipotent. The Book of Genesis, in its 1st chapter, says:
“God commanded, Let there be light
and the light appeared”.
(Genesis 1:3)
and the light appeared”.
(Genesis 1:3)
It simply means that God can create whatsoever God wills. So, according to the Bible, it is very clear that God, our Lord, is All Alone and whatsoever is created____ is created by God, independently.
The Disciples after Jesus, wanted to introduce Jesus as the Son-God, following the teachings received from Satan on the hill of Galilee. So, to fulfil this purpose, they invented many lies.
We must keep in mind that the sayings of Disciples are not the sayings of Jesus (PBUH) or the sayings of God.
Luke says that:
“The Angel told Mary____ the Holy spirit will come on you and God’s power will rest upon you. For this reason the holy child will be called the Son of God”.
(Luke 1:35)
(Luke 1:35)
Through such sayings, the deceived Disciples firstly called the holy spirit as God’s power so as to introduce the holy spirit as God.
Secondly, they made the holy spirit, even, the father of Jesus by saying the words that:
“The holy spirit will come on you.”
Thirdly, they invented two gods, beside the One Alone God and finally they declared that:
There are three gods:
a. The God of Moses, Jehovah, the Father.
b. The God’s Word: Jesus, the son god.
c. The holy ghost (another god).
They also said that: these three gods are One God.
b. The God’s Word: Jesus, the son god.
c. The holy ghost (another god).
They also said that: these three gods are One God.
Thus the deceived Disciples committed a tremendous sin by denying the truth, which was told to the nation of Moses by the Lord in Godly voice:
“I, and I alone, am God;
no other god is real”.
(Deut. 32:39)
no other god is real”.
(Deut. 32:39)
Since the deceived Disciples have recorded many false statements in Gospels, therefore, they do not correspond to the rest of the Bible and as such, the whole matter of the Gospels, is not trust-worthy. Instead, a critical and analytical study of the Gospels, is highly desirable to know the truth and the real status and teachings of Jesus.
If we believe in terms of Torah (the Law of Moses) that nothing is alike God, then, how we can reconcile with the concept of Trinity contained in the Gospels that the God of Moses is the father god and a man, Jesus, is a god___ and holy spirit is also a god. Whereas the holy spirit is an angel who resembles to other angels and Jesus was a man like the other men.
Moreover, in terms of the Book of Genesis, God said:
Moreover, in terms of the Book of Genesis, God said:
“Let it be light and the light appeared”.
Here, we are convinced that God does not take any help from the others in creation of a thing or a creature. So, how we can trust the so-called words of Gospels that Mary was conceived through the holy spirit, the angel-god. It would naturally mean that God created Jesus with the help of another god, the helping god. And, the helping-god effected the birth of Jesus, the Son-God.
Where after we are supposed to accept the concept of Trinity that there are three gods instead of the One Alone God.
A co-related thing is also highly questionable. According to the words of Gospels, Jesus is supposed to be the son of holy spirit, not of Jehovah, the Alone God of Moses, as Mary was conceived through the holy spirit. But inspite of that___ the writers of Gospels do say___ that Jesus is the Son of the God of Moses, Jehovah___ the Real God.
While the Real God is Omnipotent and Holy in all respects. So, to consider the Real God, the Omnipotent and the Absolute Holy___ as father-god___ as per demands of the Gospels___ is totally absurd.
And, if we trust the God of Torah, the Law of Moses who said:
“I, and I alone, am God”,
then, we can not trust the three gods of Gospels.
Since, the writers of New Testament distorted the later part of Bible and incorporated therein Trinity in place of Monotheism. Therefore the Lord blessed us with another Scripture, which is known, as “Quran” enabling us to rectify our belief under it’s beacon-light like that of Torah (the Law of Moses).
After this Verse of the Bible:
“Let it be light and the light appeared,”
the Lord says in Quran:
“God’s commandment is this that when God wills to create something, God says, be (KUN) and it becomes”.
(Quran 36:82)
(Quran 36:82)
Quran approves the words of “Genesis” positively when it says that “God is Omnipotent” and when it tells about the aforesaid status of the Lord’s creativity.
Quran also tells us about the Ten Commandments including the Third Commandment, as they are written in the Bible.
Word of God in Quran is as such: “there is no god but God Alone”, and God also says, “nothing is alike God”. While in “Torah”, the Lord has already said:
“I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real”.
So “holy ghost” is not god and Jesus is not God. About the status of holy ghost and Jesus, Quran clearly says that holy ghost is an angel and Jesus is a man and a Prophet of God.
Since each Scripture tells us that God is All Alone and nothing is alike God and from time to time, God kept on giving this message to mankind as it is.
Hence, a scale of judgement, based on the Commandments of Torah, automatically, appears to our minds. That henceforth, if someone will speak about three gods, we will understand, then & there, that he is denying the history of the Word of God and he is a liar.
The writers of the Gospels have committed a tremendous sin by rejecting the Word of God, given in “Torah” and by introducing a new god, which is three in one.
So whosoever is aware of the aforesaid scale of judgement, he will reject the false sayings of Disciples straightaway and will, in turn, accept the message of Torah as it is. For the message of Torah and Quran is not man-made, instead, it is God-given.
Bible tells us that the great event of the Lord’s direct address took place after the victory of Moses over “Pharaoh”. God gathered the nation of Moses and said:
“I, and I alone, am God,
no other god is real”.
(Bible, Deut. 32:39)
no other god is real”.
(Bible, Deut. 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me.
Do not make for yourselves images of
anything in heaven or on earth or in the water
under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol
or worship it, because I am the Lord your God
and I tolerate no rivals”.
(Bible, Exodus 20 : 3,4,5)
Do not make for yourselves images of
anything in heaven or on earth or in the water
under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol
or worship it, because I am the Lord your God
and I tolerate no rivals”.
(Bible, Exodus 20 : 3,4,5)
Since this message was delivered by the Lord our God in Godly voice and numerous people witnessed it including Moses (PBUH). So; we do not doubt in it. Contrarily, we doubt in everything and every word, which does not correspond to it in letter and spirit.
1. Holy spirit is an angel, a thing in heaven and it resembles to the other angels too. So such a creature of God can never be God.
2. Jesus was a man and he was like the other men on the earth. So, being a thing and a creature on the earth, he can never be God in the light of Commandments.
the Lord our God, would have mentioned to the nation of Moses in Godly voice that God is three in one, then, we must have accepted the sayings of Disciples and their words as true. But now it is not possible after going through the God’s words in Torah:
“I and I alone am God and no other god is real”.
To us “Torah” is the God’s Word which is a scale of Judgement to decide the right and wrong. Thanks to the Almighty Lord Who talked to the sons of Adam and blessed them with the real light.
Now decide by yourself that the people who believe in Trinity and say “Trinity means, the three divine persons, Father, Son and holy ghost, whose unity forms the Christian God”,
(The Penguin English Dictionary by G.N. Garmonsway)
God tells us that holy spirit brought a message of God to Mary and told her that she will give birth to a child without any association with a male and it will happen in terms of the God’s command:
“Be and it will become”.
But the writers of Gospels say, “Mary was conceived through the holy spirit”.
If somebody believes in such a statement, he will naturally consider Jesus as a son of holy spirit. While it is mentioned, even, in the Gospels that holy spirit was an angel.
Invented lies, however, take another step ahead and tell us that holy spirit is also a partner of the Alone God as god. Since these two gods, the One Alone God of Moses and the holy spirit are one God, so, Jesus is a son of God, which is the same as God.
It clearly means that Christian-God is three-in-one. Question arises that if God is One Alone then how three gods can be considered as One Alone God?
What a falseness is Trinity, in which people believe. If Jehovah is a God and holy spirit is also a god then Christians should call Jesus___ as the son of two gods___ not the son of one God.
Invented lies move another step further and finally they say, in heaven there are three gods, who are known as one God. What a refutation of the God’s Commandment___ is that? It seems as if these people do not know the meanings of One Alone God. One God is not one___ in terms of Mathematics___ but One God means___ in the terms of Commandments___ that no god is beside the One Alone God.
The sayings of Disciples are different from the message of Torah (the Law of Moses). God of Christians, is a composite god, which is three in one. While the God of “Torah” and “Quran” is One Alone God, the Unseen, the Unimaginable and the Unperceivable God.
God never said “I am One God”. Instead, God always said that God is One Alone God. Which means Only One and the All-Alone God___ without any god or gods beside God or in God.
In terms of Mathematics, one may consist of many parts or may be a combination of various parts. So, God is very much particular, in telling the nation of Moses, about the fact of God’s Oneness. And, God used the most appropriate words about God’s Oneness. “I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real”.
Now think by yourself that when you hear the word “alone”, what comes to your mind and when you hear the word “one”, what comes to your mind?
When you say I am one, what do you mean?
And, when you say I am alone, what do you mean?
And, when you say I am alone, what do you mean?
You are one of the God’s creatures but you are not an alone creature.
You are one of your family members and you are not a family alone.
You are one of us and you are not alone.
I hope___ now through these sentences___ you can understand the difference of “one” and “alone”.
And now you can clearly understand that while addressing to the nation of Moses____ why God did not use the word “one”and ___ why God used the word “alone”.
And now you can also realize that an Alone God is an Alone God. Alone God is not a combination of three or more than three gods or a member of any holy family.
an alone person in this world, is not a family, then,
an Alone God can be a family?
So, whosoever believes in One Alone God, he is a believer of the Real God and all the others are non-believers of the Real God.
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