Q. What is right about God?Indians say that:“God Is One and Many”?
A. Key words in the question are “One” and
Since Many means a lot of ones, not one alone, therefore,
this saying, “God is one and many”, is highly ponder-able.
Creator of each and everyone is also Ordainer of the
conceptual reality of oneness.
Mathematics is a science of space, number and quantity. It
is a knowledge, which counts, calculates, measures and states things in figures___ in
different scales based on units____ ordained by man.
This man-made knowledge is mainly concerned with things,
which are definitely encompass-able by human intellect, as all the things keep
recognizable and measurable limits.
In the light of this particular knowledge, the word “one” is
one with certain limits___ under certain scale. And, it is a frame-able entity and it
can never be two___three___or many.
In our state of intellect and process of understanding,
singleness always appear in form of oneness. And, one as a single, stands for an
apparent, existing and properly perceivable thing such as:
“One apple and many apples”.
And, that is how one and many is pictured in our
God is not a measurable thing___ entity___ or state.
Instead, God is free from all the creaturely traits. God is unlike each and
everything___ each and every entity___ and each and every state.
God is the only Creator and Ordainer of all the creaturely
things and beings. That is why that God is believed in the following terms
“Nothing is alike God”.
Under the beacon light of this statement, intellect can
never make any image or imagination of God at any level. Nor it can conceive God as a
thing___ entity___ or state___ to count God as one. Therefore, God is not one in terms
of Mathematics.
God has explained the word “one” as “alone and only” in terms of its
conceptual reality of Monotheism.
In the book of Torah, God said:
“Worship no god but Me”.
and, in Quran God said:
“There is no god but Allah”.
And___ in these two statements God has not used the
word“one” and here God clearly means___ God’s
Aloneness as God’s Oneness___ and that is the conceptual reality
of oneness duly based on the concept of Monotheism.
Therefore the man-made statement about God:
“God is one and Many”
is totally based on man-made knowledge of
Since, as an introduction of God___ Who is Infinite and
Beyond of human intellect___ this statement is diminishing the Aloneness and Oneness of
Unseen and Inconceivable God___ therefore, it is totally absurd and false.
God told the truth of God’s Aloneness & Oneness in Godly
voice, thousands years ago, on the mount of Sinai to the nation of Moses without using
the word “one”.
“I___ and I Alone___ am God
no other god is real”
(Deut: 32:39)
no other god is real”
(Deut: 32:39)
In this God’s saying, first part of the saying
that “I___ and I Alone___ am God” is revealing the meanings of
God’s Oneness. And second part of the saying that “no other god is
real” is providing the irrelevance of the word “many” for God.
Second part of God’s saying that: “no other god is
real” further explains, the falseness of the Satan-made idols and
demigods & demigoddesses, which are worshipped by the people under the
People of India must positively rectify their belief in God
through positive understanding of the truth that “There is no god but Alone
Lord” and they must stop preaching the false notion that “God is One and
Otherwise, on the Day of Judgement, they will be considered
as rivals of God and the worshippers of Satan-made gods and goddesses.
God’s Message is a God’s Message and it is not a man made
concept, reflecting the limitation of human intellect. Instead, it is reflecting the
divine light of truth in perfection.
God said to Moses:
“I ___ and I alone___ am God
No other god is real
I kill and I give life
I wound and I heal
And no one can oppose what I do”
(Deut: 32:39)
No other god is real
I kill and I give life
I wound and I heal
And no one can oppose what I do”
(Deut: 32:39)
“Worship no god but Me
Do not make for yourselves
Images of anything in heaven
Or on earth or in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord, your God
And I tolerate no rivals”.
(Deut 5:7 to 9)
Do not make for yourselves
Images of anything in heaven
Or on earth or in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord, your God
And I tolerate no rivals”.
(Deut 5:7 to 9)
After Moses (PBUH), this Message of God was carried along
and preached by Jesus (PBUH) and thereafter by Muhammad (PBUH) to the whole
Even Krishna (PBUH) had carried along and preached the same
Message of God to his father and to the Indians as it is written in Bhagavad-
“But Lord Krishna even discouraged his father Nanda
Maharaja from worshipping the demigod Indra because he (Krishna) wanted to establish
the fact that people need not to worship any demigod. They need only to worship the
Supreme Lord, because their ultimate goal is to return to God’s
(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is: 1986 edition, last 2 lines & first 3 lines of Introduction
at pages No. 20 & 21 published by: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, P.O. Box No. 262
Botany, N.S.W. 2019, Australia)
Therefore, it is predominantly confirmed that Lord of
Krishna is our God, Who is the Unseen God and Who is Alone God and Who alone
should be worshipped by all the people, under heaven.
Q. Indians also believe that “God comes and
appears in persons and things. Such an appearance of God is realized by the highest
level of intellect alone. Since it happens like that and it may happen even with the
animals and snakes. So the animals and snakes are also worship-worth including the
persons and things”.
What God commands about this belief?
A. Worship of persons and things___ or animals
and snakes___ or any image or imagination___ is a tremendous sin.
God is not light___ spirit___ or energy___, which comes and
goes___ appears and disappears___ here and there___ in things and persons. Instead, God
is the Absolute Creator of everything including energy___ light___ and spirit___ and
___ God is present everywhere.
God is Holy. The concept of Unseen God’s
appearance in material or immaterial things___ is absurd. Because, such a concept
confines, the Unseen God into a limited state and image. While God is Infinite and
nothing is alike God. So the worship of things___ persons___ animals___ and snakes is
the worship of things___ persons___ animals and snakes. It can not be considered as the
worship of Alone and Unseen God at all.
God should be believed as Unseen & Unimaginable. Present
everywhere, at every level, but not in particular things and persons.
Those who worship things____ they worship things____ they do
not worship the Unseen Supreme Lord of Krishna & Rama.
Q. Indians also say that power of time is Kali
Mata (Kali Bhawani), which is a goddess, possessing a horrifying appearance and it can
ruin and perish everything.
What God commands about Kali-Mata?
A. The notion about Kali Mata (Kali Bhawani)
is also not right. Rationally speaking, time is a thing___ a cosmic sense and a
scale____ which measures the age.
Time is not an immortal thing, instead, it is a mortal thing
and a subject of death like the other things.
Creation of the universe was also the creation of
It is wrongly believed in India that everything is under the
teeth of time and time may ruin anything at any moment.
Whereas it is a bigger reality that time, itself, is under
the teeth of death___ and death may ruin the time at any moment___ with the leave of
God (Eishwar) and it can happen at any time___ in terms of an ultimate end of
So, time is time, a perishable thing like other things. It
owns a beginning and an end. The whole universe is mortal including time and everything
in it. Time or Universe is not God or God-like as God is Time-free___ Death-free___
Body-free___ Spirit-free___ and God is forever.
It is not the time, which destines the life and death.
Instead, it is the God, our Lord, Who destines the life and death.
As space is a frame of the body of universe___ and
cosmos is a framework___ and as the spirit is the energy of life-machine. The same
way___ time is a frame-able medium of life.
Our birth is the first edge___ and our death is the
last edge___ within the package of age___ ordained in past___ present___ and
God, the Ordainer of time, is time-free___ without
past___ present___ future and the total age, which is a package of the life span of
God is Absolute Holy___ the Beyond of every
God, our Lord, is over and above the reach of time and
space. Neither time can overcome God nor death can overshadow God. On the contrary,
time and death, the both are within the grip of God. God is activating them and
everything according to God’s own Will.
It is highly strange and surprising that Indians worship
time and its power as Kali Mata and consider Kali Mata as Eishwar (Almighty
Death is more powerful than time as it is dominant over time
and it may put the time to an end by the leave of God. But no unreal goddess of death
is made and worshipped by Indians like that of the goddess of time, Kali
It is also surprising that Indian say: nothing can oppose
the time and time is an irresistible thing. Whereas time is effectively opposed by
death and death may, not only, resist it but may overshadow it by the leave of
It is the God, our Lord alone, to whom no one can oppose or
resist. God, our Lord alone is the Real Ruler of everything and the King of all. Only
God blesses life and causes death. Only God’s Almighty power creates and destroys
And___ it is God’s Almightiness alone, which exists and runs
the affairs of life and death among the apparent and the hidden worlds. There is no
person or god or a thing beside God, who could share God’s power or God’s authority.
God alone is the Unseen and Unimaginable Eishwar___ Who is All Able to do
Worship of any object or thing of the universe or any sense
or system of the cosmos, instead of God, is an unpardonable sin.
Kali Mata is a false goddess. It is nothing else but a
product of imagination. Rather, all the gods and goddesses beside Alone God are the
product of imagination.
Eishwar can never be time (Kaal or Kali) and time
(Kaal) can never be God. Nor the process of time can be called God or goddess (Kali
Moreover God’s ordained process of time can not be
considered as power of time. The total power, which runs the affairs of universe____,
belong to Eishwar Almighty alone.
The word “Eishwar” clearly means the Alone Almighty God
and Eishwar does not mean “time”.
The concept of Kali Mata is a Satan’s concocted concept,
which has been idolised as the goddess Kali Mata by the Disciples of
People of India in particular and the whole world in
general, should get rid of every god and goddess believed beside Alone God, as they
are, all in all, unreal. Everyone should establish pure worship of the One Alone and
the Unseen God. All Scriptures including Bhagavad-Gita forbid the worship of gods and
goddesses beside Alone God. It is clearly written in Bhagavad-Gita:-
“But Lord Krishna even discouraged his father Nanda
Maharaja from worshipping the demigod Indra because he (Krishna) wanted to establish
the fact that people need not to worship any demigod. They need only to worship the
SUPREME LORD, because their ultimate goal is to return to God’s
(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, 1986 edition, last 2 lines & first 3 lines of Introduction
at pages No. 20 & 21 published by: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, P.O. Box No. 262
Botany, N.S.W. 2019, Australia)
In addition to that, it is also written in Bhagavad-Gita
(7:20) that Krishna said:-
“Those, whose intelligence has been stolen by material
desires, surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of
worship according to their own natures”.
(Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, 1986 edition, lines 19 to 21 at page No. 20 published by: The
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, P.O. Box No. 262 Botany, N.S.W. 2019, Australia)
Therefore, no justification is there for Indians or any
other nation of the world to worship Kali Mata or any other god or goddess beside Alone
God, the Supreme Lord of Krishna.
Q. Can a man or a woman become God through specific
efforts, knowledge or realization?
A. The Lord, Our God says:
“Worship no god but Me” in Ten Commandments
and in Quran God says “There is no God but the God Alone” and in
Gita, Krishna says:
“People need not to worship any demigod, they need only
to worship the Supreme Lord”.
Worship means to show oneself lowly before God
and to ask God for God’s blessings. While God means the Worth-
Worshipping-One Who is Omnipotent and Who can punish for sins and bless for
“There is no god but the God Alone” means, no
one is worth worshipping but the Omnipotent.
“Worship no god” or “There is no
god” further clearly means: no one is able to become god by any
To honour God or to serve God means: to trust God and to act
according to God’s Commandments.
We should believe God as God commands us to believe. If
things and persons could ever become God then there would have been no need to declare
that “There is no god but the God Alone”.
God is Absolute Holy and God should be believed as Absolute
Holy according to the Commandments.
Creatures of God are creatures of God and can never become
god through any kind of efforts, knowledge or realization.
Q. On one hand Christians and Muhammadan’s
trust that Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH), the both are the saviours but on the other
hand, they also believe in the Day of Judgement as well. Question arises whether we
shall be judged on the Day of Judgement or we shall be saved by the Prophets?
A. Both of the nations are wrong on account of
the following sayings of Scriptures.
Jesus said:
Jesus said:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery’.
But now I tell you any one who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of
committing adultery with her in his heart.
So if your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose one of your limbs than for your whole body to go to hell”.
(Matthew, 5:27 to 30)
So if your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose one of your limbs than for your whole body to go to hell”.
(Matthew, 5:27 to 30)
It clearly means that it is not Messiah who will save but it
is the warning of Messiah, which will cause salvation after observing the right path.
Hollow belief in God will attract no favour in terms of the desired
The good deeds and the good deeds alone will ensure the
desired salvation.
Messiah gave the message and his message is a key to the
salvation. Messiah himself has nothing to do with God’s Judgement.
Christians have forgotten the pure preachings of Messiah and
now are following the teachings of Satan who met the Disciples on the hill of Galilee
(in the guise of Messiah) and not only deceived them but also through them deceived the
whole nation of Messiah.
Spirit of Christianity in the age of Real Messiah was
God will judge mankind on the Day of Judgement,
according to Commandments and the teachings of Prophets.
About human deeds, God says in Quran:
“If you could see how the angels receive those who
disbelieve, smiting their faces and their backs and (saying): Taste the punishment of
This is for that which your own hands have sent before (for the Judgement), and (know) that God is not a tyrant to the slaves.”
(Quran, 8: 50, 51)
This is for that which your own hands have sent before (for the Judgement), and (know) that God is not a tyrant to the slaves.”
(Quran, 8: 50, 51)
Therefore, the concept of saviourism and intercession is
nothing but a self-evolved idea of the both nations.
Day of Judgement means the Day of
Judgement ____ not the day of intercession.
Q. What is meant by the Verse: “Nothing
is alike God”?
A. The Verse “Nothing is alike
God” makes us understand that:
1. The Absolute God should never be denounced
as a thing.
2. The Absolute God is the Beyond of
3. Things and persons are not God’s parts or
4. Things or persons should not be considered
as God or the partners of God.
5. The Absolute God must be believed as the
Absolute Creator of everything.
6. God is All Powerful and should not be
considered as subservient to anything.
7. God is Holy and free from all sorts of
needs, creaturely qualities should not be associated to God.
8. God has created the system of birth. God
does not give birth to any thing at all and no one has given birth to God. God is the
Holy Creator and God must be believed as the Holy Creator of every thing, in heavens,
on earth and under the earth, in water.
9. God should not be apprehended by virtue of
10. God is not a quality or
11. God does not bear any state or
12. God is not encompass-able by
13. Accession to God is not possible by any
kind of knowledge, wisdom, realization or efforts.
14. God is God____ not a
15. God makes every “Complete” as
16. God is never increased or decreased at
17. God is not a life-holder, instead, God is
the Creator of life & death and the Beginning and the End.
18. God is not the subject of ascension or
19. God exercises absolute control over
everything and nothing can outdo God.
20. God is overwhelming everything and nothing
can overwhelm God.
21. Nothing is beyond God’s all-encompassing
22. God’s existence does not bear any bounding
line or edge.
23. Almightiness, exposed by God, is just a
glimpse of God’s Infinite Power.
24. The creatures can not break their limits.
Nor they can come out of their limits unless the Creator permits them.
25. God is the Sustainer of everything while
none is there to sustain God.
26. God is the Alive and the Eternal, without
spirit. Spirit is a commandment of God, which is not alike God at all.
27. No praise or tribute has any accession to
28. God is the Lord of Worlds.
29. God is not a common or a special
happening, which took place or which is taking place. Instead, God is the Creator of
every happening since inception.
30. All the things and persons are the beggars
before God while God is the Sole Blesser to everyone.
31. God’s Messengers or Prophets are God’s
servants and they are subservient to God in every matter.
God is the Ever Exalted and the Absolute-Holy. Every praise
is meant for God and God is so Eminent that pride is befitting to God alone. God’s
Holiness is supported by the fact that God is not like anything and there is no end to
God’s praise at all.
Q. Do Christians believe in the God of Moses?
A. No, Christians do not believe in the God of
Moses. Mark says,
“After the lord Jesus had talked with them.
He was taken up to heaven and
sat at the right side of God”.
(Mark 16:19)
He was taken up to heaven and
sat at the right side of God”.
(Mark 16:19)
If we trust that this statement of Mark is right then we
will have to believe that:
1. Disciples saw the God.
2. God is a three-dimensional entity with
right & left, front & back, up & down and in & out.
3. God lives in heaven and God is not present
every where.
4. God is not unseen.
All these points contradict the Commandments. Please read
the following Verses:
“Worship no god but Me
Do not make for yourselves
Images of anything in heaven
Or on earth or in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord, your God
And I tolerate no rivals”.
(Deut: 5:7 to 9)
Do not make for yourselves
Images of anything in heaven
Or on earth or in the water under the earth.
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord, your God
And I tolerate no rivals”.
(Deut: 5:7 to 9)
In these Commandments God forbade the worship of images but
Disciples worshipped the image____ a three-dimensional entity___ which was like a man.
Matthew says:
“The eleven disciples went to the hill in
Galilee where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshipped him”.
(Matthew 28:16 to 17)
Galilee where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshipped him”.
(Matthew 28:16 to 17)
So, the Christians do not believe in the Unseen Alone God of
Moses. Instead, they have made their own god. Which is not only imaginable but it also
can be seen with eyes.
God of Moses and God of Jesus is One and the same God____ an
Alone Unseen God. It is even recorded in the Gospels that Jesus said:
“But when you pray, go to your room, close the door and pray
to your God. Who is Unseen and your God, who sees, what you do in private will reward
(Matthew 6:6)
(Matthew 6:6)
“No one is good except God alone”
(Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
(Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
It clearly means that if Christians do not believe in Unseen
God then they do not believe in the God of Moses and the God of Jesus.
Q. What is meant by the word “Muslim”?
A. “Muslim” means the person who obeys and
serves only One and Alone God. In Bible, Muslim is called the servant of God. In Indian
Scriptures, Muslim is called the Eishwar Dass, which further means an obedient of God
by all means.
According to Quran (the Scripture, which is for everyone who
lives in this world) Muslim means the most obedient of the Lord, the Alone God. It is
written in Quran:
“O ye who believe! Come, all of you, into submission (unto
God) and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Lo! he is an open enemy for
(Quran 2:208, Translated by Marmaduke Pickthall)
(Quran 2:208, Translated by Marmaduke Pickthall)
“And who forsakes the religion of Abraham but a person
who willfully deceives himself?___ Verily we chose him (Abraham) in the world and Lo!
in the Hereafter he is among the righteous.
When his Lord said unto him: Surrender! He said: I have
surrendered to the Lord of the worlds.
The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons and also Jacob,
(saying): O my sons! Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true) religion! Therefore die
not save as men who have surrendered unto Allah (the Muslims)”.
(Quran 2:130 to 132, translated by Marmaduke Pickthall)
(Quran 2:130 to 132, translated by Marmaduke Pickthall)
“God has named you obedient slaves (Muslims) since old time
and in this Scripture”.
(Quran 22:78)
(Quran 22:78)
It clearly means that whosoever ___ when ever and where
ever____ submitted to the Lord, obeyed God and served God___ was a Muslim by
Q. Can Satan put the Lord our God Almighty,
into test through temptation? If not, then why Christians believe that Jesus was God?
A. Satan can put each and every creature of
God, into test through temptation but Satan can not put the Lord our God Almighty, into
test through temptation.
How, Satan can put the Almighty God into test through
temptation when everything in heaven and earth belongs to God and there is nothing,
which God cannot create independently. Since Satan put Jesus into test through
temptation, therefore, Jesus was not God or Son of God. Instead, Jesus was a lowly man
and a prophet of God.
Moreover, after the test of temptation, angels helped Jesus
to recover his normal life status.
Matthew says:
“Then Jesus answered, “Go away, Satan! The Scripture says,
“worship the Lord your God and serve only God”, then the Devil left Jesus; and angels
came and helped him”.
(Matthew 4:10, 11)
(Matthew 4:10, 11)
God is Omnipotent and is not helped by the angels or grow
weak some time. Instead, God is the Only Almighty Helper. God commands angels to help
the helpless. Therefore, it is confirmed that Jesus was not God but a lowly man and a
prophet of God.
Q. Is there any vivid proof of Satan’s
activity recorded in Gospels after the incident of crucifixion?
A. Yes, there are two vivid proofs of Satan’s
activity, recorded in the Gospels:
1. Firstly, activity of Satan in the guise of
Jesus is recorded in Gospels as per words of the two followers of Jesus.
“They said to each other:
Wasn’t it like a fire burning in us
when he talked to us?
(Luke 24:32)
Wasn’t it like a fire burning in us
when he talked to us?
(Luke 24:32)
The very feeling of fire, burning inside the two followers
of Jesus, was due to the presence of Satan who is made of fire.
2. Secondly, the activity of Satan is recorded
in terms of the Temptation of Jesus and the Temptation of the Disciples of
The Temptation of Jesus
“The Devil told him: It has all been handed over to me and I
can give it to anyone I choose. All this will be yours then, if you worship
(Luke 4 : 6, 7)
(Luke 4 : 6, 7)
The Temptation of Disciples
The Devil appeared in the guise of Jesus on the hill of
Galilee and spoke to the Disciples, saying almost the same words as he spoke to
“I have been given
all authority in heaven and on earth. Go then to all people everywhere and
make them my disciples: Baptise them in the name of the father, the Son and the holy
spirit (three gods) and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you and I will be with you always to the end of the
(Matthew 28:18 to 20)
(Matthew 28:18 to 20)
During the Temptation of Jesus, Jesus recognized the Satan
and refused to worship him, saying the words:
“Go away, Satan! the scripture says: worship the Lord your
God and serve only God”.
(Matthew 4:10)
(Matthew 4:10)
But during the Temptation of Disciples, the Disciples could
not recognize the Satan though they were alarmed and doubts arose in their minds as
they saw him as a ghost. Even then, unlike Jesus, they knelt down before the Satan and
worshipped him. Where-after the Satan took them over in his total control and used them
according to his own satanic teachings.
It was none else on the hill of Galilee but the Satan. If it
were Jesus who revived after death, then, he must have revived like Lazarus as a normal
being (John 11:43 to 44), not like a ghost who appeared on a deserted place like the
hill of Galilee.
So, these are the vivid proofs of Satan’s activity recorded
in Gospels.
Strange is the fact that Jesus had already, during his
lifetime, warned his disciples not to trust anyone who appears as Jesus after him
anywhere in the world:
“Then, if any one says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’
or, ‘Look there he is!’___ do not believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets
will appear. They will perform miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God’s
chosen people, if possible. Be on your guard! I have told you everything before the
time comes”.
(Marks 13 : 21 to 23)
(Marks 13 : 21 to 23)
Inspite of this very open warning and the fire-like ghostly
appearance of Satan, the Disciples could not recognize Satan on the hill of Galilee and
became an easy prey to the Satan’s trickery.
“When they saw him, they worshipped him, even though some of
them doubted”.
(Matthew 28:17)
(Matthew 28:17)
“They were terrified, thinking that they were seeing a
ghost. But he said to them, “why are you alarmed? why are these doubts coming up in
your minds?”
(Luke 24:37, 38)
(Luke 24:37, 38)
Consequences are highly alarming. The God taught religion of
Jesus has been replaced by the Satan taught sinful rituals.
No one bothers to analyze the alarming situation. Religion
does not allow to lead a vagabond sinful life. Instead, Religion has always advised us
to lead a pious and purified life.
There are three fundamental articles of faith in all the
religions____ the God-taught or the Scriptures based religions:
1. Firm belief in Monotheism or the Absolute
Oneness of God, the Alone Lord.
2. Positive adaptation of daily life according
to the Commandments, written in the Scriptures.
3. Firm belief in the Day of Judgement where-
after the mankind will go through a reward or retribution based life according to the
deeds, done in this world.
Q. Some Religious leaders of this world claim
that “we are the children of God”. Are we the children of God?
A. The Answer of this particular question
exists in the following two ponder-able Verses of the Quran and Bible:
1. “Nothing is alike
“There is no image or idol of God”.
(Quran and Bible’s Ten Commandments)
“There is no image or idol of God”.
(Quran and Bible’s Ten Commandments)
2. “I____ and I alone_____ am
(Torah: Deut: 32:39)
(Torah: Deut: 32:39)
Since intellect can not develop or make any image of God
therefore God is Unimaginable and beyond of intellect. In simple words “Nothing is
alike God”.
Before the creation of human beings and all the things, God
was Omnipotent and Absolute Holy. Then God created the creatures and made them male and
female to keep the process of creation in progress till the end of time.
God is Holy since ever and will remain Holy
God is not a male-god.
Our God, the creator, created the sexes and the process of
sex. To keep the creatures grow. God is gender free. Among creatures males and females
are limited entities, because males can never be considered as females and females can
never be considered as males. Our god is absolute Holy. We can not consider our God as
a male-god or a goddess.
Male is an entity, a thing on earth, because a male is a
kind of sex. Since God is Absolute Holy and God is the Creator of males and females,
therefore, we can not consider God as a male-god or a father-god.
If someone considers God, as a male or a father, then, it
clearly means that he or she believes in an imaginable god (demigod) and does not
believe God as the gender-free God.
One should ponder over this question that if God was not a
male or a female before the creation of sexes and was Alone & Absolute Holy then
how after creation of sexes, God became a male or a father?
If God is a father-god then how we can consider such a god
as an Absolute Holy God?
Whosoever speaks of the gender of God, he commits a
tremendous sin because God is Absolute Holy and is the Creator of sexes.
To understand God’s Holiness, we must pay heed to this
God is a father-god or God is a Holy God?
God effected the process of birth of creatures or God
created the creatures?
If God possesses one or more wives and God, one way or the
other, effects the birth-process and these wives give birth to human beings, only then
we can claim that:
1. God is a male-god.
2. Our God is our father.
3. We are the children of God.
2. Our God is our father.
3. We are the children of God.
But if God simply commands “Be” (KUN) and creates whatsoever
God wills to create, then no one is justified to call God as a male or father-
God is our Holy Creator, God is not our father, neither
physically nor spiritually.
The entire God-revealed-scriptures tell us that God created
human beings and every thing, All Alone, therefore:
God was Holy,
God is Holy
God will remain Holy.
God is Holy
God will remain Holy.
No doubt, those who consider God as a male-god, a father-god
or a man-god (demigod), they have no justification to call God as a male-god, a
father-god or a man-god (demigod) at all.
Ponder over this Question:
If we are the children of God then why we are not gods
and goddesses?
God said,
“I____ and I alone____ am God”.
(Torah: Deut, 32:39)
(Torah: Deut, 32:39)
A father and a mother and their children make a family and
an alone person is not considered as a family or a father.
If God says, that God is an Alone God then how we can call
God as a member of a holy family or a father of human beings.
Image-making of God is an act, which is equal to the enmity
of God in terms of the Ten Commandments and the same act is also an act of idol-
Word “father” contains an image of a person who is firstly a
male and secondly a husband and thirdly a member of a family and fourthly the word
“father” is not an image-free name. Therefore, the word “father” is not suitable as a
name for God as God is image-free, gender free and Absolute Holy.
We must believe in God as a Creator of everything in heaven,
on earth, in water under the earth, instead of father, who is a limited entity on
God says,
“How God can be a father of someone when God possesses not a
(Al- Quran)
(Al- Quran)
Calling God as a father-god, a male-god or a man-god is an
act of diminishing the glory of God’s Holiness and Aloneness.
Since children possess the status and structure of their
parents and do not differ from their parents in design, therefor, human beings are the
children of human beings.
If we are not gods and goddesses, then, how we can be the
children of God. Who is Absolute Holy. We are lowly and helpless creatures before our
Almighty Absolute Holy God.
God says!
“God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. God has
made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, where by God multiply
you. Nothing is alike God and God is the Hearer, the Seer”.
(Quran 42:11)
(Quran 42:11)
“Glory be to God Who created all the Sexual Pairs, of that
which the earth grows and of themselves and of that which they know not!”
(Quran 36:36)
(Quran 36:36)
Therefore, the people under heaven should not call their
Holy God as a father-god or a male god and should not commit a sin by saying that we
are the children of God.
Q. What is the mystery behind the situation
that Jesus said, “They are wrong about what is right, because I am going to the Lord
and you will not see me any more”. (John, 16:10) before the incident of his
crucifixion___ and Disciples say that they met Jesus on the hill of Galilee after his
A. People are always wrong when they oppose a
Prophet of God. Jesus, in clear cut words, told his people that:
“Then, if any one says to you, “Look” here is the
Messiah! Or “There he is!”___ don’t believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets
will appear; they will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive even
God’s chosen people. If possible, listen! I have you this before the time
“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in the
desert!” ___ Don’t go there or if they say, “Look, he is hiding here!”____ don’t
believe it”.
(Matthew 24:23 to 26)
(Matthew 24:23 to 26)
After the incident of crucifixion, Disciples of Jesus could
not remember this warning. Now lets examine, how the Disciples of Jesus were deceived
by the Satan.
Word “ANYONE” in this saying does not spare
even an angel and it clearly means men, women, angels, prophets and Messiah himself.
And the wording tells us that whosoever will give such a news that “Look, here is
Messiah!” Or “there he is!” will be held as a liar and If someone will appear as
Messiah and will say such a thing, he will be called as false Messiah.
Jesus was right to say, “You will not see me any
more”because Luke tells us that Jesus, instead of dying on the cross, went to
“Jesus said to him, “I promise you that TODAY you will be in
(Luke 23:43)
(Luke 23:43)
Strange is the fact that Ascension of Jesus was taken as a
death of Jesus by his nation. Anyhow, Jesus was no more in this world and he was right
to warn his Disciples so that no one may deceive them after him. This is the reason why
he used the word “anyone” in his warning. But the Disciples of Jesus put the
warning of Jesus aside and got themselves, involved in the drama of Satan after
To understand that what exactly happened after Jesus,
firstly ponder over the words of the warning of Jesus as he said:
“Then, if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah! Or
there he is!”____ don’t believe him”.
(Matthew 24:23)
(Matthew 24:23)
And, secondly not only ponder over the following words but
also try to understand that how Satan, in the guise of an angel, commanded the women to
go against the warning of Jesus:
“Go, quickly, now and tell his Disciples, “He has been
raised from death and now he is going to Galilee ahead of you; THERE you will see
(Matthew 28:7)
(Matthew 28:7)
Women reached the Disciples in hurry and gave this message
to them and told them that they, not only saw the angel, but also saw the great wonders. Disciples doubted but could not resist believing
them. The women and Disciples, the both, forgot the warning of Jesus.
Firstly ponder over the words of the warning of Jesus as he
“For false Messiahs and false prophets will APPEAR;
they will perform great MIRACLES and WONDERS in order to deceive even God’s chosen
And, secondly keeping in view the word “APPEAR” of the warning ponder over the following
“While the two were telling them this, suddenly the
Lord himself (appeared and) stood among them and said to them “peace be with you.” They
were TERRIFIED, thinking that they were seeing a GHOST”.(Luke, 24 : 36, 37)
Jesus used the word “appear” which was very
proper because the FALSE MESSIAH suddenly stood (appeared) among them.
As Jesus said, “They will perform great miracles and wonders
in order to deceive”. It happened in the same terms.
“But he said to them, “why are you alarmed? Why are
these doubts coming up in your minds? LOOK at my hands and my feet and see that it is I
myself. Feel me and you will know, for a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you
see I have.” He said this and showed them his hands and his feet. They still could not
They were so full of JOY & WONDER; so he asked them,
“Have you anything here to eat”? They gave him a piece of cooked fish, which he took
and ate in their presence”.
(Luke 24:38 to 43)
There can never be a great wonder than this that a Ghost
appeared and became a human being, showed flesh and bones and ate fish. Please note the
words of “Joy and Wonder” in these sentences and the words of the
saying of Jesus as he said:
“For false Messiahs and false prophets will APPEAR;
they will perform great miracles and WONDERS in order to deceive even God’s chosen
people, (don’t believe him) if possible. Listen! I have told you this before the time
Within brackets, the words “Don’t believe
him” are the words of the saying of Jesus and by the word “Him” Jesus meantSatan.
Jesus said:
“Then, if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the
Messiah!” or “There he is!”___ don’t believe him”.
Now let us analyze this saying.
“Look, here is the Messiah!”
Satan said the same thing but in terms of the first person
“Look at my hands and my feet and see that it is I
Jesus said, “Do not believe him” but the Disciples, not only
joyfully, but also wonderfully, believed him. This very acceptance of Satan as Jesus,
was the birth of the present Christianity.
Jesus said:
“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in desert
(or on a hill)! don’t go there”.
(Matthew 24:26)
(Matthew 24:26)
Satan in the guise of an angel, told the women “Look, there he
is” and women ran to tell the Disciples in hurry, without thinking that
what Jesus warned:
“Then if anyone says to you, “Look, there he is!”___ do not
believe him”.
(Matthew 24:23)
(Matthew 24:23)
The women not only believed themselves but also did their
best to make the Disciples believe the message of Satan. As a result, the Disciples
believed the women and went to the hill in hurry and forgot the warning of Jesus
“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in desert
(or on a hill)!” don’t go there.
(Matthew 24:26)
(Matthew 24:26)
Since Disciples of Jesus disobeyed Jesus and went to the
hill of Galilee, therefore, Satan succeeded, not only to possess them, but also to
deceive them. Disciples not only worshipped the Satan there, but also accepted him as
their Lord and the son-god.
“When they saw him, they worshipped him”.
(Matthew 28:17)
(Matthew 28:17)
Here they also forgot the foremost Commandment
“Worship no god but me”.
(Exodus 20:3)
(Exodus 20:3)
So, it is precisely proved in the light of the warning of
Jesus that God had raised Jesus to heaven from the cross and it was Satan who appeared
on the hill of Galilee, to deceive the Disciples, in the guise of Jesus.
Q. Jesus said,
“Not everyone who calls me “Lord, Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my God in heaven wants them to do.
“Not everyone who calls me “Lord, Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my God in heaven wants them to do.
“When Judgement day comes, many will say to me, “Lord,
Lord! In your name we spoke God’s message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!”
“Then I will say to them, ____ “I never
knew you ___ Get away from me. You
wicked people!”.
(Matthew 7:21 to 23)
What type of people are those about whom Jesus said so?
A. Such people are the people, who will
“Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke god’s message, by
your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!”
To these people Jesus will reply:
“I never knew you___ Get away from me___ You wicked
people!” .
Two important questions arise here:
1. Why Jesus will say, “I never knew you” and
why he will use the word “never”?
2. What kinds of these so-called miracles are,
which Jesus will consider as the works of wicked people?
Answer of the first question is very simple. Jesus after his
ascension to paradise from the cross, never appeared anywhere before his Disciples.
That is the reason why he will say:
“I never knew you”.
Besides above, Jesus had already warned his Disciples___ not
to believe anyone as Jesus__ after his crucifixion (or ascension).
Matthew says:
“Then, if any one says to you, “Look” here is the
Messiah! Or “There he is!” ___ don’t believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets
will appear; they will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive even
God’s chosen people. If possible, listen! I have told you this before the time
“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in the
desert!”___ Don’t go there or if they say, “Look, he is hiding here!”___ don’t believe
(Matthew 24:23 to 26)
And___ this saying of Jesus clearly means that no one will
ever see him as he said that:
“You will not see me any more”.
(John 16:10)
Therefore___ the Messiah who met the Disciples on the hill
of Galilee___ was none else but Satan and Disciple mistook him as the real Jesus.
Consequently, they accepted the teachings of a false Messiah and never realized
falseness of the false messiah and his teachings.
So, the Disciples will know the truth on the Day of
Judgement including their followers when they will hear these words from the Real
“I never knew you___ get away from me___ you wicked
Word “NEVER” of the Real Jesus clearly means that “The
disciples of Satan can never be the Disciples of Jesus” and the followers of Satan who
performed wonders with satanic power will never stand as righteous people on the Day of
the Lord. Instead, they will be declared as the wicked people.
The reply of Real Jesus to the followers of false messiah___
on the Day of Judgement___ even today___ stands as a Judgement___ but very few people
know the truth.
Mark says (that Satan, in the guise of Jesus,
“Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: They
will drive out demons in my name: They will speak in strange tongues if they pick up
snakes or drink any poison, They will not be harmed; They will place their hands on
sick people, who will get well”.
(Mark 16:17 to 18)
To analyze this statement, firstly note the claim of the
Disciple and their followers on the Day of Judgement.
Real Jesus says:
“When Judgement day comes, many will say to me, “Lord! Lord!
In your name we spoke God’s message, by your name we drove out many demons and
performed many miracles!”
(Matthew, 7:22)
Secondly note this saying of Satan:
“Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: They
will drive out demons in my name”.
(Mark, 16:17)
And thirdly note these words of Jesus:
“I never knew you___ get away from me___ you wicked
(Matthew 7:23)
Now relate these three sayings to each other. You will come
across the reality that the Disciples followed none else on the hill of Galilee but
Satan. And ___ their followers are following none else but Satan for the last 2000
years or even more.
So, instead of useless repentance on the Day of Judgement,
they should resort to the useful rectification of the day.
They should immediately correct their faith in the light of
saying of Jesus “I never knew you___ get away from me___ you wicked
people” and secure their salvation.
In terms of their rectified faith, they will have to do the
following things.
1. They will have to quit the teachings of
Satan, given by Satan, on the hill of Galilee.
2. They will have to quit Trinity and resort
to the worship of Alone God, the Lord of Real Jesus (PBUH).
3. They will have to quit the ritual of
Baptism in the name of three gods, as there is no need of any Baptism at
4. They should quit the ritual of pardoning
the sins in Church as no one can pardon the sins except the Alone God.
5. They should quit the ritual of performing
wonders____ in the name of false Messiah, as that is a satanic ritual.
6. They should resort to the Alone God as
Jesus had resorted to the Alone God in letter and spirit by virtue of following the
Q. Had Jesus predicted his revival after
A. Disciples added the idea of the revival of
Jesus in the Gospels after their meeting with Satan on the hill of Galilee, which they
promulgated at massive scale. Jesus had never predicted his revival, instead, he had
clearly warned his Disciples:
“Then, if any one says to you, “Look” here is the
Messiah! Or “There he is!” ____don‘t believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets
will appear; they will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive even
God’s chosen people. If possible, listen! I have told you this before the time
“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in the desert!”____ Don’t go there or if they say, “Look, he is hiding here!___ don’t believe it”.
“Or, if people should tell you, “Look, he is out in the desert!”____ Don’t go there or if they say, “Look, he is hiding here!___ don’t believe it”.
(Matthew 24:23 to 26)
Therefore it is confirmed that Jesus never predicted his
Even after such self-evident arguments, if someone thinks
that question of the revival of Jesus, still stands unanswered and he believes that the
person who appeared on the hill of Galilee_____ was no one but the real Jesus. Then, he
must go through this test:
Ask the “most holiest” Christian religious leader of the
day, to drink any poison or to take a deadly snake in his bare hands, to prove the
saviourism of his Jesus of the hill of Galilee before your eyes.
Tell him that Mark says: Messiah of the hill of Galilee gave
this message to the world:
“If they (Disciples of the Messiah) pick up snakes or
drink ANY POISON, They WILL not be harmed”.
(Mark 16:18)
Then, request him to taste potassium cyanide to let you know
its taste.
Not a single Christian, who believes in the false Messiah of
the hill of Galilee, will take this risk. And, if someone will take the risk, he will
die then and there, due to the deadly nature of poison, ordained by the Alone Holy
If everyone runs away and do not put his faith_____ or the
power of False Messiah___ of the hill of Galilee___ to this test, then, please do
understand that there was none else on the hill of Galilee but the Satan in the guise
of Jesus.
This test will not only prove the falseness of the Messiah
of the hill of Galilee but it will also prove the falseness of his
Q. Why God created universe, which need of God
is behind it?
A. God created this universe and made it a
home for the creatures. So that the creatures might pay thanks to God through worship
and obedience and in turn they might receive God’s blessings.
Universe is a creation of God and behind it____ is
God’s Almightiness. God created the needs___ the needies____ and all the things of
needs. God is God____ God is need-free and Absolute Holy.
God is Almighty. God creates whatsoever God wills to create.
Each and every creature of God is answerable to God and God is not answerable to
If the worshippers worship God and obey Gods Commandments,
it makes no difference to God. But on the other side, it makes a lot of difference to
the worshippers if they do not worship God as they become empty-hearted and remain
empty-hearted until and unless they resort to God.
If the sinners sin and disobey God, it makes no difference
to God but the sinful life brings a lot of difference to the sinners as the sins
necessitate the curse of God.
Curse is the God ordained result of sin
while blessing is the God ordained result of virtue.
while blessing is the God ordained result of virtue.
God has already judged the sinners and the righteous, in
terms of their deeds through revealing the commandments and ordaining the ways to Hell
and Heaven.
Key-point to receive the blessings of God___ is to become
God’s dependent by all means____ through prayers_____ and patience ____ and trust in
God helps and guides aright to those who ask God for God’s
help and guidance.
The people who do not believe God and lead a lustful
life____ are always mislead to disaster.
Here is God’s taught prayer for those who want to secure the
blessings of God in true sense.

By the leave of God,
the Beneficent,
the Merciful.
the Beneficent,
the Merciful.
Praise be to God,
Lord of the worlds.
Lord of the worlds.
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
Owner of the each and the ultimate
Day of Judgement.
O’ Lord!
You alone, we worship;
You alone, we ask for help.
Day of Judgement.
O’ Lord!
You alone, we worship;
You alone, we ask for help.
Show us always, the right way,
in each and every matter.
in each and every matter.
The way of those,
whom You have blessed;
whom You have blessed;
Not the way of those,
who earn Your anger,
Nor of those who go astray.
who earn Your anger,
Nor of those who go astray.

There can never be peace
on the earth
unless all the nations
embrace the way of Alone God
and forget
their self-made
religious differences.
on the earth
unless all the nations
embrace the way of Alone God
and forget
their self-made
religious differences.

With the new beginning
of all the nations
until the Day of Judgement.
of all the nations
until the Day of Judgement.
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